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Adhalati Karyabidhi
अदालती कार्यविधि
Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: 2077
यो अदालती कार्यविधिमा मुलुकी देवानी कार्यविधि संहिता, २०७४ र मुलुकी फौजदारी कार्यविधि संहिता, २०७४ को तुलनात्मक अध्ययन गरिएको छ। यो पुस्तकलए सर्वोच्च अदालत, उच्च अदालत र जिल्ला अदालतमा काम गर्ने न्यायकर्मी र कानुन व्यवसायीहरुलाई सहयोग पुग्ने छ।
This judicial procedure involves a comparative study of the Civil Procedure Code, 2017, and the Criminal Procedure Code, 2017. This book will be helpful for judicial officers and legal practitioners working in the Supreme Court, High Court, and District Court.₨ 975.00 -
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This book will be fruitful for students who are preparing for the examination of Staff Nurse, Health Assistant, अ. हे. व./ अ. न. मी. and following information are included;
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-All hands-out notes of Online & Physical Classes,
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Aashako Upahar
Writer: Rabin Nepali
Color: Multi
Binding: Paperback
Publisher: Sangri-La₨ 775.00