An outline of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory

By (author)M.R. Upadhyaya

 380.00 475.00

An outline of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory

Author: M.R. Upadhyaya
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2015 A.D.
ISBN Number: 973759943-1

This book serves as the cornerstone of legal principles, forming the foundation upon which law is built and the philosophical framework through which it is understood.

An outline of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory

Author: M.R. Upadhyaya
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2015 A.D.
ISBN Number: 973759943-1

This book serves as the cornerstone of legal principles, forming the foundation upon which law is built and the philosophical framework through which it is understood.

SKU: An outline of Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
Weight 0.95 g

M.R. Upadhyaya


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