Criminal Law: Principles & Practices

 1,596.00 1,995.00

Criminal Law: Principles & Practices

Author: Subash Acharya
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
ISBN Number: 978-9937-9575-5-7
Edition: 2023/2024

This is the revised edition of Text Book on Criminal Law which has titled as Criminal Law: Principles and Practices

Criminal Law: Principles & Practices

Author: Subash Acharya
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
ISBN Number: 978-9937-9575-5-7
Edition: 2023/2024

This is the revised edition of Text Book on Criminal Law which has titled as Criminal Law: Principles and Practices

SKU: Criminal Law: Principles & Practices
Weight 1.65 g



Publisher and Distributor

Pairavi Prakashan

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