Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela By Nelson Mandela

By (author)Nelson Mandela

 1,152.00 1,280.00

Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela By Nelson Mandela

Author: Nelson Mandela
Publisher: Abacus
Edition: 1995
Pages: 768 Pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-349-10653-3

Nelson Mandela, a global icon for human rights and racial equality, dedicated his life to fighting racial oppression in South Africa, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency. After over 25 years of imprisonment, his 1990 release marked the start of South Africa’s transition to multiracial government. His autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom,” recounts his epic journey of struggle, hope, and ultimate triumph.

Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela By Nelson Mandela

Author: Nelson Mandela
Publisher: Abacus
Edition: 1995
Pages: 768 Pages
Language: English
ISBN: 978-0-349-10653-3

Nelson Mandela, a global icon for human rights and racial equality, dedicated his life to fighting racial oppression in South Africa, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency. After over 25 years of imprisonment, his 1990 release marked the start of South Africa’s transition to multiracial government. His autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom,” recounts his epic journey of struggle, hope, and ultimate triumph.

SKU: Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela By Nelson Mandela
Weight 0.556 g
Dimensions 14.2 × 7.5 × 20.1 in

Nelson Mandela




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    आश्र बालेन

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    प्रकाशक:बुक हिल
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