Nayab Subba Sumargadarshan, Second Paper (Contemporary Studies and Public Service Management) – Hemraj Tamang
Nayab Subba Guidance, Second Paper (Contemporary Studies and Public Service Management) – Hemraj Tamang
Author: Hemraj Tamang
Publisher and Distributor: Aksharanka Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Edition: 2081/082
Pages: 721
Language: Nepali
This book is based on the syllabus for the open competitive examination conducted by the Public Service Commission for non-technical posts, including Justice, Foreign Affairs, Administration, Auditing, and Parliamentary Services. It specifically targets the First-Class Gazetted Officer positions, such as Nayab Subba (or equivalent). The book covers key topics like contemporary studies and public service management to help candidates prepare effectively for the exam.
नायब सुब्बा सुमार्गदर्शन, द्रितीय पत्र (समसामयिक अध्ययन र सार्वजनिक सेवा व्यवस्थापन) – हेमराज तामाङ
लेखक: हेमराज तामाङ
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: अक्षराङ्क प्रकाशन प्रा. लि.
संस्करण: २०८१/०८२
पाना: ७२१
भाषा: नेपाली
लोकसेवा आयोगद्वारा लिइने अप्राविधिक तर्फका न्याय, परराष्ट्र प्रशासन, लेखापरीक्षण र संसद सेवा, राजपत्र अंकित प्रथम श्रेणी, नायब सुब्बा वा सो सरह पदको खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षाको पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित पुस्तक।