Objective English Made Simple- Naren Prasai

By (author)Naren Prasai

 676.00 845.00

Objective English Made Simple- Naren Prasai

Author: Naren Prasai
Publisher & Distributor: Inspire Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Tenth Edition: 2081/82
Pages: 572
Language: English

This book is based on revised syllabi of PSC- 2081, especially for Section Officer, BPKIHS, BE, AG/VET, Nursing, Police Inspector, ASI. It includes 20 sets of model questions with solutions to PSC exam papers from 2070-2080 and MCQs.

Objective English Made Simple- Naren Prasai

Author: Naren Prasai
Publisher & Distributor: Inspire Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Tenth Edition: 2081/82
Pages: 572
Language: English

This book is based on revised syllabi of PSC- 2081, especially for Section Officer, BPKIHS, BE, AG/VET, Nursing, Police Inspector, ASI. It includes 20 sets of model questions with solutions to PSC exam papers from 2070-2080 and MCQs.

SKU: Objective English Made Simple- Naren Prasai
Weight 301 g
Dimensions 5.59 × 1.01 × 7.91 in

Naren Prasai




Publisher and Distributor

Inspire Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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