₨ 131.00Compulsory Science and Technology Self- Learning and Practice Science Manual (For SEE)- Hemraj Karki
₨ 524.00₨ 655.00
Compulsory Science and Technology Self- Learning and Practice Science Manual (For SEE)- Hemraj Karki
Authors: Hemraj Karki
Edition: 2081
Publisher & Distributor: Delight Print Pvt. Ltd.
Pages: 444
Language: English
This Compulsory Science and Technology Self- Learning and Practice Science Manual as a reliable and sufficient learning supplement for the students assuring A Plus score in Science and Technology in SEE. This supplementary material is totally based on the latest syllabus prescribed by CDC, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. It includes summary of all the units, sectionwise question answers, solved SEE 2080 questions of all provinces, 10 sets of practice questions, SEE grid and solved model questions.
Compulsory Science and Technology Self- Learning and Practice Science Manual (For SEE)- Hemraj Karki
Authors: Hemraj Karki
Edition: 2081
Publisher & Distributor: Delight Print Pvt. Ltd.
Pages: 444
Language: English
This Compulsory Science and Technology Self- Learning and Practice Science Manual as a reliable and sufficient learning supplement for the students assuring A Plus score in Science and Technology in SEE. This supplementary material is totally based on the latest syllabus prescribed by CDC, Sanothimi, Bhaktapur. It includes summary of all the units, sectionwise question answers, solved SEE 2080 questions of all provinces, 10 sets of practice questions, SEE grid and solved model questions.
Weight | 0.315 g |
Dimensions | 18.5 × 2.8 × 25.2 in |
book-author | Hemraj Karki |
format | |
Language | English |
Publisher and Distributor | Delight Print Pvt. Ltd. |
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