Nepal Prahari Nirikshak Pratham Patra (Samanya Gyan tatha Bauddhik), Dritiya Patra (Likhit Sanchar Sip) ra Tritiya Patra (Peshagat Abhivriddhi), Safaltako Sathi – Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista ra Kailash Dhakal

 1,596.00 1,995.00

Nepal Prahari Nirikshak Pratham Patra (Samanya Gyan tatha Bauddhik), Dritiya Patra (Likhit Sanchar Sip) ra Tritiya Patra (Peshagat Abhivriddhi), Safaltako Sathi – Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista ra Kailash Dhakal

Nepal Police Inspector First Paper (General Knowledge and Intellectual), Second Paper (Written Communication Skills), and Third Paper (Professional Attitude), Success Companion – Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista, and Kailash Dhakal

Authors: Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista and Kailash Dhakal
Publisher and Distributor: Bidya Bikas Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Third Edition: 2081/082
Pages: 1372
Language: Nepali and English

This book is based on the new syllabus for the open competitive examination for the position of Police Inspector in the Nepal Police Service (General Police). It comprehensively covers the required subjects, including general knowledge, intellectual abilities, written communication skills, and professional attitude, helping candidates prepare thoroughly for the exam.

नेपाल प्रहरी निरीक्षक प्रथम पत्र ( सामान्य ज्ञान तथा बौध्दिक), द्रितीय पत्र (लिखित संचार सिप) र तृतीय पत्र (पेशागत अभिवृत्ति), सफलताको साथी- मित्र प्रसाद घिमिरे, आदित्य राज विष्ट र कैलाश ढकाल

लेखकहरु: मित्र प्रसाद घिमिरे, आदित्य राज विष्ट र कैलाश ढकाल
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: विद्या विकास पब्लिकेसन प्रा. लि.
तेस्रो संस्करण: २०८१/०८२
पाना: १३७२
भाषा: नेपाली र अंग्रेजी

नेपाल प्रहरी सेवा अन्तर्गत जनपद तर्फको प्रहरी निरीक्षक पदको खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षाको नयाँ पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित पुस्तक।

Nepal Prahari Nirikshak Pratham Patra (Samanya Gyan tatha Bauddhik), Dritiya Patra (Likhit Sanchar Sip) ra Tritiya Patra (Peshagat Abhivriddhi), Safaltako Sathi – Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista ra Kailash Dhakal

Nepal Police Inspector First Paper (General Knowledge and Intellectual), Second Paper (Written Communication Skills), and Third Paper (Professional Attitude), Success Companion – Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista, and Kailash Dhakal

Authors: Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista and Kailash Dhakal
Publisher and Distributor: Bidya Bikas Publication Pvt. Ltd.
Third Edition: 2081/082
Pages: 1372
Language: Nepali and English

This book is based on the new syllabus for the open competitive examination for the position of Police Inspector in the Nepal Police Service (General Police). It comprehensively covers the required subjects, including general knowledge, intellectual abilities, written communication skills, and professional attitude, helping candidates prepare thoroughly for the exam.

नेपाल प्रहरी निरीक्षक प्रथम पत्र ( सामान्य ज्ञान तथा बौध्दिक), द्रितीय पत्र (लिखित संचार सिप) र तृतीय पत्र (पेशागत अभिवृत्ति), सफलताको साथी- मित्र प्रसाद घिमिरे, आदित्य राज विष्ट र कैलाश ढकाल

लेखकहरु: मित्र प्रसाद घिमिरे, आदित्य राज विष्ट र कैलाश ढकाल
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: विद्या विकास पब्लिकेसन प्रा. लि.
तेस्रो संस्करण: २०८१/०८२
पाना: १३७२
भाषा: नेपाली र अंग्रेजी

नेपाल प्रहरी सेवा अन्तर्गत जनपद तर्फको प्रहरी निरीक्षक पदको खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षाको नयाँ पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित पुस्तक।

SKU: Nepal Prahari Nirikshak Pratham Patra (Samanya Gyan tatha Bauddhik), Dritiya Patra (Likhit Sanchar Sip) ra Tritiya Patra (Peshagat Abhivriddhi), Safaltako Sathi - Mitra Prasad Ghimire, Aditya Raj Bista ra Kailash Dhakal
Weight 2856 g
Dimensions 6.77 × 1.96 × 9.44 in

Aditya Raj Bista, Er. Kailash Dhakal, Mitra Prasad Ghimire



English-Nepali Both

Publisher and Distributor

Bidhya Bikash Publication Pvt. Ltd.

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