Sthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Ain, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha

By (author)Narayan Shrestha

 796.00 995.00

Sthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Ain, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha

Local Government Operation Act, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha

Author: Narayan Shrestha
Publisher & Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
Seventh Edition: Magh 1, 2081
Pages: 520
Language: Nepali

Includes the original text along with a commentary and some related acts and regulations concerning local levels.

स्थानीय सरकार सञ्चालन ऐन, २०७४- नारायण श्रेष्ठ

लेखक: नारायण श्रेष्ठ
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
सातौं संस्करण: २०८१, माघ १
पाना: ५२०
भाषा: नेपाली

मूल पाठसहित एक टिप्पणी स्थानीय तहसँग सम्बन्धित केहि ऐन र नियमहरुसमेत समावेश।

Sthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Ain, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha

Local Government Operation Act, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha

Author: Narayan Shrestha
Publisher & Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
Seventh Edition: Magh 1, 2081
Pages: 520
Language: Nepali

Includes the original text along with a commentary and some related acts and regulations concerning local levels.

स्थानीय सरकार सञ्चालन ऐन, २०७४- नारायण श्रेष्ठ

लेखक: नारायण श्रेष्ठ
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
सातौं संस्करण: २०८१, माघ १
पाना: ५२०
भाषा: नेपाली

मूल पाठसहित एक टिप्पणी स्थानीय तहसँग सम्बन्धित केहि ऐन र नियमहरुसमेत समावेश।

SKU: Sthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Ain, 2074 - Narayan Shrestha
Weight 465 g
Dimensions 6.52 × 1.55 × 8.89 in

Narayan Shrestha




Publisher and Distributor

Pairavi Prakashan

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