Advaita – Krishna Gautam

By (author)Krishna Gautam

 574.00 675.00

Advaita – Krishna Gautam

Author: Krishna Gautam
Publisher & Distributor: Shikha Books and Gyanjyoti Books Publication Pvt. Ltd.
First Edition: Ashwin, 2080
Pages: 368
Language: Nepali
ISBN: 9789937-780-79-7

This book delves into the concept of Advaita, which posits that the universe originates from a single element. In ancient times, humanity believed in many deities, attributing consciousness to natural elements. However, as knowledge progressed, the realization emerged that the ultimate truth is singular, a concept termed “Advaita.” Long before the rise of modern science, ancient thinkers had already grasped this profound truth.

अद्वैत- कृष्ण गौतम

लेखक: कृष्ण गौतम
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: शिख बुक्स र ज्ञानज्योति बुक्स पब्लिकेसन प्रा. लि
पहिलो संस्करण: असोज, २०८०
पाना: ३६८
भाषा: नेपाली
आईबिएन: ९७८९९३७-७८०-७९-७

एउटै तत्वबाट यो जगतको उत्पत्ति भएको हो। मानव जातिले पहिला धेरै देवतामा विश्वास गर्थ्यो, तर ज्ञान बढ्दै जाँदा अन्तिम सत्य एउटै हो भन्ने बुझ्यो, जसलाई अद्वैत भनिन्छ। विज्ञानको उदय अघि नै मानवले अद्वैतको खँदिलो सत्य खोजिसकेको थियो।

Advaita – Krishna Gautam

Author: Krishna Gautam
Publisher & Distributor: Shikha Books and Gyanjyoti Books Publication Pvt. Ltd.
First Edition: Ashwin, 2080
Pages: 368
Language: Nepali
ISBN: 9789937-780-79-7

This book delves into the concept of Advaita, which posits that the universe originates from a single element. In ancient times, humanity believed in many deities, attributing consciousness to natural elements. However, as knowledge progressed, the realization emerged that the ultimate truth is singular, a concept termed “Advaita.” Long before the rise of modern science, ancient thinkers had already grasped this profound truth.

अद्वैत- कृष्ण गौतम

लेखक: कृष्ण गौतम
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: शिख बुक्स र ज्ञानज्योति बुक्स पब्लिकेसन प्रा. लि
पहिलो संस्करण: असोज, २०८०
पाना: ३६८
भाषा: नेपाली
आईबिएन: ९७८९९३७-७८०-७९-७

एउटै तत्वबाट यो जगतको उत्पत्ति भएको हो। मानव जातिले पहिला धेरै देवतामा विश्वास गर्थ्यो, तर ज्ञान बढ्दै जाँदा अन्तिम सत्य एउटै हो भन्ने बुझ्यो, जसलाई अद्वैत भनिन्छ। विज्ञानको उदय अघि नै मानवले अद्वैतको खँदिलो सत्य खोजिसकेको थियो।

SKU: Advaita - Krishna Gautam
Weight 0.256 g
Dimensions 14.1 × 3.1 × 20.1 in

Krishna Gautam




Publisher and Distributor

Gyanjyoti Books Publication Pvt. Ltd., Shikha Books Pvt. Ltd.