Basic to Advanced English Book (Section Officer, Loksewa)- Rajiv Niroula

By (author)Rajiv Niroula

 680.00 850.00

Basic to Advanced English Book (Section Officer, Loksewa)- Rajiv Niroula

Author: Rajiv Niroula
Publishers & Distributors: Sopan Monthly & Makalu Publication House
1st Edition: 2081 B.S (2024 AD)
Pages: 570
Language: English

Packed with over 3000 grammar and vocabulary MCQs, this book offers logical solutions for each question. It’s crafted from a deep analysis of past exam papers, including model questions from UPSC and SSC CGL exams. Discover trick-based teaching methods, mnemonic techniques for mastering vocabulary, and answers to past papers from 2070 BS to Magh 2080 BS.

Basic to Advanced English Book (Section Officer, Loksewa)- Rajiv Niroula

Author: Rajiv Niroula
Publishers & Distributors: Sopan Monthly & Makalu Publication House
1st Edition: 2081 B.S (2024 AD)
Pages: 570
Language: English

Packed with over 3000 grammar and vocabulary MCQs, this book offers logical solutions for each question. It’s crafted from a deep analysis of past exam papers, including model questions from UPSC and SSC CGL exams. Discover trick-based teaching methods, mnemonic techniques for mastering vocabulary, and answers to past papers from 2070 BS to Magh 2080 BS.

SKU: Basic to Advanced English Book (Section Officer, Loksewa)- Rajiv Niroula
Weight 1.56 g
Dimensions 17.2 × 2.8 × 24.3 in

Rajiv Niroula




Publisher and Distributor

Makalu Publication House, Sopan Monthly

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