Himalpariko Huri – Sudhir Sharma

By (author)Sudhir Sharma

 594.00 699.00

Himalpariko Huri – Sudhir Sharma

The Storm Beyond the Himalayas – Sudhir Sharma

Author: Sudhir Sharma
Publisher & Distributor: Kitab Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
First Edition: Bhadra, 2081
ISBN: 978-9937-9492-6-2
Pages: 279
Language: Nepali

This book examines the changing dynamics of Nepal-China relations following the establishment of the republic, providing an in-depth analysis of the evolving ties between the two countries.

हिमालपारिको हुरी – सुधिर शर्मा

लेखक: सुधिर शर्मा
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: किताब पब्लिसर्स प्रालि
पहिलो संस्करण: भदौ, २०८१
आईएसबिएन: ९७८-९९३७-९४९२-६-२
पाना: २७९
भाषा: नेपाली

गणतन्त्रपछि फेरिएको नेपाल- चिन सम्बन्ध।

Himalpariko Huri – Sudhir Sharma

The Storm Beyond the Himalayas – Sudhir Sharma

Author: Sudhir Sharma
Publisher & Distributor: Kitab Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
First Edition: Bhadra, 2081
ISBN: 978-9937-9492-6-2
Pages: 279
Language: Nepali

This book examines the changing dynamics of Nepal-China relations following the establishment of the republic, providing an in-depth analysis of the evolving ties between the two countries.

हिमालपारिको हुरी – सुधिर शर्मा

लेखक: सुधिर शर्मा
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: किताब पब्लिसर्स प्रालि
पहिलो संस्करण: भदौ, २०८१
आईएसबिएन: ९७८-९९३७-९४९२-६-२
पाना: २७९
भाषा: नेपाली

गणतन्त्रपछि फेरिएको नेपाल- चिन सम्बन्ध।

SKU: Himalpariko Huri – Sudhir Sharma
Weight 0.326 g
Dimensions 14.1 × 2.3 × 20.3 in

Sudhir Sharma




Publisher and Distributor

Kitab Publishers Pvt. Ltd.

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