Media Jurisprudence: Scrutiny of Court Principles and Legislative Policies (Theroy, Acts, Rules and Policies)

 380.00 475.00

Media Jurisprudence: Scrutiny of Court Principles and Legislative Policies (Theroy, Acts, Rules and Policies)

Author: Ram Prasad Bhattarai, Ananta Raj Luitel
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2011 A.D.
ISBN Number: 978-9937-518-85-7

This book is helpful for the students of media studies, law students, journalists, lawyers, judges basically and the order persons concerned and organizations working field of media development as well.

Media Jurisprudence: Scrutiny of Court Principles and Legislative Policies (Theroy, Acts, Rules and Policies)

Author: Ram Prasad Bhattarai, Ananta Raj Luitel
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2011 A.D.
ISBN Number: 978-9937-518-85-7

This book is helpful for the students of media studies, law students, journalists, lawyers, judges basically and the order persons concerned and organizations working field of media development as well.

SKU: Media Jurisprudence: Scrutiny of Court Principles and Legislative Policies (Theroy, Acts, Rules and Policies)
Weight 1.18 g

Ananta Raj Luitel




Publisher and Distributor

Pairavi Prakashan

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