The law of contract

 316.00 395.00

The law of contract
Author: Satya Narayan Kalika
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: 2013 A.D.
ISBN Number: 993759912-1

This book is highlighted for the fundamental laws of trades and commerce in Nepalese history which would be fruitfull for the students of B.A. LL.B. (Five years) and LL.B. (Three years) of TU, LL.B and LL.M. of Purbanchal University, as well as C.A. and other general citizens who has involved in trade and commerce.

The law of contract
Author: Satya Narayan Kalika
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: 2013 A.D.
ISBN Number: 993759912-1

This book is highlighted for the fundamental laws of trades and commerce in Nepalese history which would be fruitfull for the students of B.A. LL.B. (Five years) and LL.B. (Three years) of TU, LL.B and LL.M. of Purbanchal University, as well as C.A. and other general citizens who has involved in trade and commerce.

SKU: the-law-of-contract
Weight 0.45 g

Satya Narayan Kalika




Publisher and Distributor

Pairavi Prakashan

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