Showing 1–20 of 62 results

  • A Practical Research Methods in Education By Dr Nageshwar Singh

    A Practical Research Methods in Education By Dr Nageshwar Singh

    Author: Dr Nageshwar Singh
    Publisher and Distributors: Pairavi Prakashan
    First Edition: 2024
    page: 124
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-9937-967-3

    This book is fruitful for all universities students of M.Ed., M. Phil. and PhD in Nepal.

    शिक्षामा व्यवहारिक अनुसन्धान विधिहरू – डा. नागेश्वर सिंह

    लेखक: डा. नागेश्वर सिंह
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरेवी प्रकाशन
    प्रथम संस्करण: २०२४
    पाना: १२४
    भाषा: अंग्रेजी
    आईएसबीएन: ९७८-९९३७-९६७-३

    यो पुस्तक नेपालका एम. एड., एम. फिल., र पीएचडी तहका विश्वविद्यालयका विद्यार्थीहरूका लागि लाभदायक छ।

     316.00 395.00
  • Aadhibakta Digdarsan Shrot Samagri By Govinda Khanal

    Aadhibakta Digdarsan Shrot Samagri

    Author: Govinda Khanal
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Second Edition: 2081 B.S.

    Questions and answers prepared according to the new curriculum of advocates 2079.

    अधिवक्त्ता दिग्दर्शन स्रोत सामग्री- गोविन्द खनाल

    लेखक: गोविन्द खनाल
    प्रकाशक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
    दोस्रो संस्करण: २०८१

    अधिवाक्त्ताको नयाँ पाठ्यक्रम २०७९ आनुसार तयार पारिएको प्रश्नोत्तर

     636.00 795.00
  • Adhalati Karyabidhi

    अदालती कार्यविधि
    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2077
    यो अदालती कार्यविधिमा मुलुकी देवानी कार्यविधि संहिता, २०७४ र मुलुकी फौजदारी कार्यविधि संहिता, २०७४ को तुलनात्मक अध्ययन गरिएको छ। यो पुस्तकलए सर्वोच्च अदालत, उच्च अदालत र जिल्ला अदालतमा काम गर्ने न्यायकर्मी र कानुन व्यवसायीहरुलाई सहयोग पुग्ने छ।
    This judicial procedure involves a comparative study of the Civil Procedure Code, 2017, and the Criminal Procedure Code, 2017. This book will be helpful for judicial officers and legal practitioners working in the Supreme Court, High Court, and District Court.

     975.00 975.00
  • Adhibakta Gyan Darpan – Keshav Singh Air

    Adhibakta Gyan Darpan – Keshav Singh Air

    Author: Keshav Singh Air
    Publisher and Distributor: Durga Pustak Bhandar
    Third Edition: 2081/082
    Pages: 816
    Language: Nepali

    The Adhibakta Gyan Darpan (Advocate Knowledge Mirror) third edition is prepared for the advocate-level exam as per the Nepal Bar Council’s guidelines. This edition incorporates feedback from last year’s examinees, revised laws, regulations, and various amended acts, making it a comprehensive resource for aspiring legal professionals.

    अधिवक्ता ज्ञानदर्पण – केशवसिंह ऐर

    लेखकहरु: केशवसिंह ऐर
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: दुर्गा पुस्तक भण्डार
    तेस्रो संस्करण: २०८१/०८२
    पाना: ८१६
    भाषा: नेपाली

    प्रस्तुत अधिवक्ता ज्ञानदर्पण दोस्रो संस्करण पुस्तक नेपाल कानून व्यवसायी परीषद्द्वारा निर्धारित अधिवक्ता तहको परीक्षाका लागि गत वर्षको विभिन्न परीक्षार्थी पाठकहरुको अनुभव र पृष्ठपोषण, संशोधित विभिन्न ऐन, नियेम, कानूनहरु समावेश गरी तयार गरिएको छ।

     1,086.00 1,357.00
  • Adhibakta Pahunch (First & Second Paper)- Mukunda Sharma Paudel ra Anu Paudel

    Adhibakta Pahunch (First & Second Paper)- Mukunda Sharma Paudel ra Anu Paudel

    Advocate Access (First & Second Paper) – Mukunda Sharma Poudel and Anu Poudel

    Authors: Mukunda Sharma Poudel and Anu Poudel
    Publisher and Distributor: Lumbini Prakashan
    Second Edition: Sawan, 2081 B.S. (July/August 2024)
    Pages: 534
    Language: Nepali

    This book is not only useful for candidates preparing for the advocate examination but also for law students, law officer candidates, and public service exam aspirants. It includes more than 1200 objective multiple-choice questions on topics such as civil law, criminal law, international law, tax, and insurance. The book also covers precedents specified in the syllabus, as well as acts and regulations related to advocacy.

    अधिवाक्त्ता पहुँच (प्रथम र दोस्रो पत्र)- मुकुन्द शर्मा पौडेल र अनु पौडेल

    लेखक: मुकुन्द शर्मा पौडेल र अनु पौडेल
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: लुम्बिनी प्रकाशन
    दोस्रो संस्करण: २०८१, साउन
    पाना: ५३४
    भाषा: नेपाली

    प्रस्तुत पुस्तकले अधिवक्ताको परीक्षा दिने परीक्षार्थीहरुका अतिरिक्त कानुनका विद्यार्थी, कानून अधिकृतका विद्यार्थी, लोकसेवा तयारी गर्ने विद्यार्थीहरुका लागि समेत उपयोगी हुने र यस भित्र देवानी, फौजदारी, अन्तरास्ट्रिय कानून, कर, बीमा समेतका विषयमा १२०० भन्दा बढी वस्तुगत बहुवैकल्पिक प्रश्नहरु, पाठ्यक्रममा तोकिएका नजीरहरु, अधिवाक्त्तासँग सम्बध्द ऐन, नियम समेत उल्लेख गरीएको छ।

     840.00 1,050.00
  • Adhibakta Taha ko Pariksha, 32th Adhibakta Pariksha Divyagyan Pratham ra Dritiyo Patra- Yog Bahadur Pal and Thakur Ram Bhandari

    Adhibakta Taha ko Pariksha, 32th Adhibakta Pariksha Divyagyan Pratham ra Dritiyo Patra- Yog Bahadur Pal and Thakur Ram Bhandari

    Advocate Level Exam, 32nd Advocate Exam Divyagyan First and Second Paper – Yog Bahadur Pal and Thakur Ram Bhandari

    Authors: Yog Bahadur Pal and Thakur Ram Bhandari
    Publisher and Distributor: Guru Publication Pvt. Ltd.
    Third Edition: 2081/082
    Pages: 1060
    Language: Nepali

    This is the third revised edition of the 32nd Advocate Exam Divyagyan First and Second Paper, based on the new syllabus of the Nepal Bar Council. It includes questions and answers from prescribed precedents for the 32nd exam, multiple-choice questions from various levels, sample drafts, subject-related precedents, five sets of model questions, and sample translations.

    अधिवक्ता तहको परीक्षा, ३२ औं अधिवक्ता परीक्षा दिव्यज्ञान प्रथम र द्रितीय पत्र- योग बहादुर पाल र ठाकुर राम भण्डारी

    लेखकहरु: योग बहादुर पाल र ठाकुर राम भण्डारी
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: गुरु पब्लिकेशन प्रा. लि.
    तेस्रो संस्करण: २०८१/०८२
    पाना: १०६०
    भाषा: नेपाली

    नेपाल वार काउन्सिलको नयाँ पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित तेस्रो परिमार्जित संस्करण ३२ औं अधिवक्ता परीक्षा दिव्यज्ञान प्रथम र द्रितीय पत्र। यस भित्र ३२ औं परीक्षाको लागि तोकिएको नजिरहरुबाट प्रश्नोत्तर, विभिन्न लेवलका वहुवैकल्पिक प्रश्नोत्तरहरु, मस्यौदा लेखन नमुनाहरु, विषयवस्तुगतसँग सम्बन्धित नजिरहरु, पाँच सेट नमूना प्रश्नोत्तर र अनुवादका नमूनाहरु समावेश गरीएको छन्।

     1,076.00 1,345.00
  • An introduction to Administrative Law

    An introduction to Administrative Law

    Author: Laxmi Prasad Kharel
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2017 A.D.

    This book is mainly for lawyers, administrators, non-lawyers studying for their LLB, and students of public administration.

  • Bank tatha Bittiya Sanstha Sambandhi Yen ra Niyamawali – Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha

    Bank tatha Bittiya Sanstha Sambandhi Yen ra Niyamawali – Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha

    Bank and Financial Institutions Act and Regulations – Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha

    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher and Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
    Sixth Edition: 2081
    Pages: 518
    Language: Nepali

    Includes original sections and regulations with commentary.

    बैंक तथा वित्तीय संस्था सम्बन्धि येन र नियमावली- ज्ञाइन्द्रबहादुर श्रेष्ठ

    लेखक: ज्ञाइन्द्रबहादुर श्रेष्ठ
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
    छैटौं संस्करण: २०८१
    पाना: ५१८
    भाषा: नेपाली

    मूल दफा र नियम्साहित एक टिप्पणी

     700.00 875.00
  • Bharstrachaar Niwaran Sambandhi Kanun

    भ्रष्टाचार निवारणसम्बन्धी कानून
    Author: Jyanindra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Sixth Edition: 2078, Baisakh
    Book Cover Color: Mixed
    A commentary book with original sections and rules.
    मूल दफा र नियमसहित एक टिप्पणी।

     556.00 695.00
  • Company Yen, 2063

    कम्पनि ऐन, २०६३
    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2078
    कम्पनि ऐन, २०६३ मूल दफासहित एक टिप्पणी निवोदन, नियमावली एवम प्रबन्धपत्र को दाँचा तथा कम्पनि निर्देशिका, २०७२ समेत समाबेश पुस्तक।
    A book that includes the Company Act, 2006 with the main sections along with a commentary, sample petitions, regulations, and articles of association, including the Company Directory, 2015.

     495.00 495.00
  • Concept and Theory of Juvenile Delinquency

    Concept and Theory of Juvenile Delinquency

    Author: Dr. Laxmi Prasad Mainali
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2016 January
    ISBN Number: 993759953-9

    This publication will assist students, educators, scholars, and those seeking information to improve their comprehension in this field. It will also offer valuable resources for relevant individuals. It offers an overview of the concept of juvenile delinquency, the causes of juvenile delinquency, and theoretical interpretations of juvenile delinquency.

  • Constitutional Law and Comparative Nepalese Constitutions

    Constitutional Law and Comparative Nepalese Constitutions
    Author: Laxmi Prasad Kharel
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2019, August

    This book has elaborated the history of Constitutional law and epoch-making leading cases, especially of democratic countries i.e. India, the UK, the USA and Nepal. Moreover, it is one of the requirements for students studying Constitutional Law at the LL.B. and LL.M. levels.

     700.00 875.00
  • Constitutional Law of Nepal

    नेपालको संबैधानिक कानून (Constitutional Law of Nepal)

    Author: Dr. Chandrakanth Gewali
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2076
    ISBN Number:978-9937-599-88-7

    संबिधानसभाबाट जारी भएको नेपालको संविधान र सोही संविधानअन्तर्गत विघटन भएको प्रतिनिधिसभाका दुई मुद्धासमेत संशोधन तथा परिमार्जित पुस्तक।
    This book presents the Constitution of Nepal issued by the Constituent Assembly, along with amendments and consolidated texts resulting from the dissolution of the Assembly.

  • Crime related to untouchability in Nepal

    Crime related to untouchability in Nepal

    Author: Laxmi Prasad Mainali
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2010 January

    This book serves as a reference for organizations combating caste-based discrimination and untouchability. It is also beneficial for law students interested in research at the Faculty of Law, Tribhuvan University. The book covers the concept of Dalit untouchability, its emergence in Nepal, the historical development of the Dalit social movement, international and national legal frameworks against untouchability, efforts to abolish untouchability in different countries, and the judicial stance of Nepalese courts towards untouchability.

  • Dimensions of Administration of Justice By Shyam Bhattarai

    Dimensions of Administration of Justice By Shyam Bhattarai
    Nyaya Prashasanka Aayamharu- Shyam Kumar Bhattarai

    Author: Shyam Kumar Bhattarai
    Publication & Distributors: Sopan Monthly and Makalu Publication House
    Third Edition: 2081 Baishak
    ISBN: 978-9937-9372-7-6

    न्याय प्रशासनका आयामहरू – श्यामकुमार भट्टराई

    लेखक: श्यामकुमार भट्टराई
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: सोपान मासिक र मकालु प्रकाशन गृह
    तेस्रो संस्करण : २०८१ वैशाख


     1,276.00 1,595.00
  • Election Law of Nepal

    नेपालको निर्वाचन कानुन (Election Law of Nepal)

    Author: Shanta Nepal Marasini
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2075

    निर्वाचनसंग प्रत्क्षय सरोकार राख्ने मतदाता, राजनीतिक दाल र उम्मेदवार, सरकार, सरकारी कर्मचारी, संचारमाध्यम, पर्यवेक्षकका साथै निर्वाचन कानुन अध्ययन गर्ने विद्यार्थी अनुसन्धानमा संलग्न शोधार्थीका लागी यो पुस्तक अति उत्तम हुने छ।

    This book will be extremely valuable for researchers, including students studying election laws, who are interested in examining provisions related to voter anticipation, political parties and candidates, government officials, media, and election observers.

  • Evidence Law- Prakash Wasti

    प्रमाण कानून

    लेखक: प्रकाश वस्ती (Prakash Wasti )
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2081, Ashar 1
    ISBN Number: 9789937599658

    भारतीय साक्ष्य अधिनियम (सन् २०२३), प्रमाण ऐन, २०३१को दोस्रो संशोधन (२०७७) र विभिन्न मुलुकी संहिताहरु (२०७४) समेत मिलाइएको रुपमा र कानून स्नातक तह एलएल.बी. को पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित पुस्तक।

    Aligned with the Indian Evidence Act (2023), the second amendment of the Evidence Act, 1974 (2020), and various National Codes (2017) and also based on the LLB (Bachelor of Laws) curriculum.

     556.00 695.00
  • Evidence Law, 2031 (A brief note)

    प्रमाण ऐन, २०३१ (एक संक्षिप्त टिप्पणी )
    Evidence Law, 2031 (A brief note)

    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2077 B.S.

    कानूनका विधार्थी, कानून व्यवसायी तथा न्यायाधिशलाई अति उपयोग पुस्तक।
    A highly useful book for law students, legal professionals, and judges.

  • Family Law

    पारिवारिक कानून
    Family Law

    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2076

    मुलुकी देवानी संहिता, २०७४ आनुसार पारिवारिक कानूनमा व्यापक परिवर्तन गरिएको हुनाले, सो संहितामा गरिएको नयाँ व्यवस्थामध्ये आमा, बाबु तथा छोरा, छोरीको सम्बन्ध सम्बन्धी व्यवस्था, मातृक तथा पैत्रिक अख्तियारसम्बधी व्यवस्था, संरक्षकत्वसम्बन्धी व्यवस्था र माथवरसम्बन्धी व्यवस्थाहरु समेत यस पुस्तकमा उल्लेख गरिएको छ र यो पुस्तक कानूनका विद्यार्थी, कानूनका व्यवसायी, न्यायाशिश र सर्वसाधारणका लागी अति उपयोग रहेको।
    Due to extensive changes in family law as per the Civil Code of 2074, this book includes new provisions on the relationships between mother, father, and children, maternal and paternal authority, guardianship, and elder care. This book is highly useful for law students, legal professionals, judges, and the general public.

  • Gender and Inclusive Justice Nepalese Perspective

    नेपालको सन्दर्भमा: लैंगिक र समावेशी न्याय (Gender and Inclusive Justice Nepalese Perspective)

    लेखक: शान्ता नेपाल मरासिनी
    प्रकाशक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
    संस्करण: 2076
    ISBN Number: 9937-599-60-1

    यस पुस्तकमा मुलुकी अपराध संहिता, २०७४ र मुलुकी देवानी संहिता, २०७४ मा भएका लैंगिक र समावेशी न्यायसम्बन्धि व्यवस्थाहरु उल्लेख गरिएको छ र त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय, कानुन संकायको एल.एल.बी. दोस्रो वर्षमा समाविष्ट ‘लैंगिक र समावेशी न्याय’ विषय पाठ्यक्रममा पूर्णत: आधारित रही यो पुस्तक तयार पारिएको छ।
    This book has been prepared based entirely on the provisions related to gender and inclusive justice found in the Muluki Civil Code, 2074, and the Muluki Criminal Code, 2074. It aligns with the curriculum of ‘Gender and Inclusive Justice’ offered in the second year of the LLB program at Tribhuvan University’s Faculty of Law.