Law of the Sea

 276.00 345.00

Law of the Sea

Author: M.R. Upadhyaya
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2013, December

In this book, it has included about the water law, This book extensively covers various aspects of water law, including topics such as the rights of landlocked countries, riparian and co-riparian states, and the introduction of the law of the sea. It delves into key concepts like the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, regulations concerning the High Sea, fishing practices, and the conservation of living resources. Additionally, it explores subjects like the delineation of normal baselines, Straight Baselines, Archipelagic baselines, and more. as; right of landlock.

Law of the Sea

Author: M.R. Upadhyaya
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2013, December

In this book, it has included about the water law, This book extensively covers various aspects of water law, including topics such as the rights of landlocked countries, riparian and co-riparian states, and the introduction of the law of the sea. It delves into key concepts like the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, regulations concerning the High Sea, fishing practices, and the conservation of living resources. Additionally, it explores subjects like the delineation of normal baselines, Straight Baselines, Archipelagic baselines, and more. as; right of landlock.

SKU: Law of the Sea
Weight 0.95 g



Publisher and Distributor

Pairavi Prakashan