₨ 110.00Ramro Angreji Bolchal Abhyas By Chudamani Gautam
₨ 440.00₨ 550.00
Ramro Angreji Bolchal Abhyas By Chudamani Gautam
Lovely English Conversation Practice by Chudamani Gautam
Author: Chudamani Gautam
Publisher and Distributor: Gautam Prakashan
Edition: 2080 B.S.
Pages: 400
Language: Nepali and English
This book includes letter-writing practice, proverbs, and sample interviews for visa applications, providing practical resources for improving English communication skills.
राम्रो अंग्रेजी बोलचाल अभ्यास- चुडामणि गौतम
लेखक: चुडामणि गौतम
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: गौतम प्रकाशन
संस्करण: २०८०
पाना: ४००
भाषा: नेपाली र अंग्रेजी
पत्र- लेखन अभ्यास, उखानहरु तथा भीजाका लागि नमूना अन्तर्वार्ताहरु सहित प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ।
Ramro Angreji Bolchal Abhyas By Chudamani Gautam
Lovely English Conversation Practice by Chudamani Gautam
Author: Chudamani Gautam
Publisher and Distributor: Gautam Prakashan
Edition: 2080 B.S.
Pages: 400
Language: Nepali and English
This book includes letter-writing practice, proverbs, and sample interviews for visa applications, providing practical resources for improving English communication skills.
राम्रो अंग्रेजी बोलचाल अभ्यास- चुडामणि गौतम
लेखक: चुडामणि गौतम
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: गौतम प्रकाशन
संस्करण: २०८०
पाना: ४००
भाषा: नेपाली र अंग्रेजी
पत्र- लेखन अभ्यास, उखानहरु तथा भीजाका लागि नमूना अन्तर्वार्ताहरु सहित प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ।
Weight | 1.1 g |
Dimensions | 18.2 × 2.1 × 25.5 in |
book-author | Chudamani Gautam |
format | |
Language | English-Nepali Both |
Publisher and Distributor | Gautam Prakashan |
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