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  • Kakhara By Harihar Timilsina

    Kakhara – Harihar Timilsina

    Author: Harihar Timilsina
    Publisher and Distributor: Sikai Samuha Pvt. Ltd.
    Third Edition: B.S. 2080 (2023)
    Pages: 328
    Language: Nepali
    ISBN: 978-9937-0-9480-1

    Beating is not the only form of torture. Giving unnecessary reprimands is also torture. Pressuring someone mentally to work is also torture. Delving into personal matters to humiliate someone is an even greater form of torture.

    For the CPU, Sunday and Monday are the same. Summer and winter are also the same. Whether there’s an exam or results, whether there’s a holiday or school is open. In the camp school, he had learned one thing. He would never cry where his friends, teachers, or wardens could see him. He would cry alone—with the trees, the darkness of the night, or the moonlit sky.

    कखरा- हरिहर तिमिल्सिना

    लेखक: हरिहर तिमिल्सिना
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: सिकाइ समूह प्रा. लि.
    तेस्रो संस्करण: वि. सं. २०८०
    पाना: ३२८
    भाषा: नेपाली
    ISBN: 978-9937-0-9480-1

    कुट्नु मात्रै यातना होइन । अनावश्यक अर्ती दिनु पनि यातना हो । काम गर्न मानसिक दबाब दिनु पनि यातना हो । मान्छेका व्यक्तिगत कुरा खोतलेर लज्जित पार्नु झन् ठूलो यातना हो ।

    सीपीयूलाई भने सन्डे – मन्डे बराबर । समर – विन्टर पनि बराबर । जाँच आए के , रिजल्ट आए के । बिदा आए के , स्कूल खुले के । शिविर स्कूलमा उसले एउटा कुराचाहिँ सिकेको थियो । ऊ सकेसम्म साथी , शिक्षक या वार्डेनले देख्नेगरी कहिल्यै रुँदैनथ्यो । एक्लै रुन्थ्यो । रूखहरूसित । रातको अन्धकारसित या जुनेली रातको आकाशसित ।

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