Research Methodology Methods and Techniques- C. R. Kothari and Gaurav Garg
Research Methodology Methods and Techniques- C. R. Kothari and Gaurav Garg
Publisher : New Age International Publishers
Author: C.R Kothari and Gaurav Garg
Fifth Edition: 2024
Language : English
Paperback : 464 pages
ISBN: 978-93-59802-55-9This book offers both basic and advanced discussions on research methodology to help researchers master the use of research methods and techniques. It is also designed to serve as a textbook for social science students at the graduate and postgraduate levels. Additionally, it acts as a well-organized guide for researchers in social science and other fields.
₨ 798.00 -
Rit Nibedan Sidhdanta Ra Bewahara
रित निवेदन सिद्धान्त र व्यवहार
Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: 2077
सर्वोच्च अदालत, उच्च अदालत र जिल्ला अदालतमा दिइने रित निवेदनका नमुना, सिद्धान्त र व्यवहार सहित।
Samples of petitions for the Supreme Court, High Court, and District Court, including principles and procedures.₨ 845.00 -
Road Map to Modern Taxation: Nepal & Global Practice
Road Map to Modern Taxation: Nepal & Global Practice
Author: Chandra Mani Adhikari
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
ISBN Number: 978-9937-599-76-4
Edition: 2020 A.D.Comparative Analysis of Nepal Taxation & Global Practices: Theory, Law & Practice.
₨ 795.00 -
Sawari Tatha Yatayat Bewastha Yen Niyam
सवारी तथा यातायात व्यवस्था ऐन नियम
Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: 2078
२०७७ चैत्र मसान्तसम्म संसोधन मिलाईएको सवारी तथा यातायात व्यवस्था सम्बन्धीमा मूल दफा र नियममा टिप्पणीसहित ऐन र नियमावलीको लागी अति उपयोग पुस्तक।
A highly useful book for the Act and Regulations on vehicle and transport management, including comments on the main sections and rules, updated with amendments up to the end of Chaitra 2077.₨ 375.00 -
Sharm Kanun ra Ek Parichaya
A commentary on the Labor Act and Rules with the original sections and rules. This book is extremely useful for judges, legal practitioners, and the general public associated with law or related fields.
श्रम ऐन र नियमको मूल दफा र नियमसहित एक टिप्पणी। यो पुस्तकले कानुनसँग सम्बध्द न्यायाधिश, कानुन व्यवसायी, कानुन वा सोसँग सम्बध्द सबै सर्वसाधारणलाई अति उपयोग पुस्तक।₨ 475.00 -
Sthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Ain, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha
Sthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Ain, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha
Local Government Operation Act, 2074 – Narayan Shrestha
Author: Narayan Shrestha
Publisher & Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
Seventh Edition: Magh 1, 2081
Pages: 520
Language: NepaliIncludes the original text along with a commentary and some related acts and regulations concerning local levels.
स्थानीय सरकार सञ्चालन ऐन, २०७४- नारायण श्रेष्ठ
लेखक: नारायण श्रेष्ठ
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
सातौं संस्करण: २०८१, माघ १
पाना: ५२०
भाषा: नेपालीमूल पाठसहित एक टिप्पणी स्थानीय तहसँग सम्बन्धित केहि ऐन र नियमहरुसमेत समावेश।
₨ 995.00 -
Supreme Court Judgement on Constitutional Issue 2070 By: Narendra Prasad Pathak and Narendra Prasad Khanal
Sambaidhanik Biwadma Sarbochha Adalatka Faisala 2070 Bhag – 4
Narendra Prasad Pathak ra Narendra Prasad KhanalSupreme Court Judgement on Constitutional Issue 2070
By: Narendra Prasad Pathak and Narendra Prasad KhanalAuthor: Narendra Prasad Pathak and Narendra Prasad Khanal
Publisher and Distributor: Makalu Publication House
Language: Nepali
Publication Date: Mansir 2070
Pages: 560A collection of laws declared invalid and annulled by the Supreme Court, decisions with directive orders issued, decisions on gender justice, constitutional and public concern, Constituent Assembly, fundamental rights, environment, election and political party-related disputes, and other important verdicts.
संवैधानिक विवादमा सर्वोच्च अदालतका फैसला २०७० भाग -४, नरेन्द्रप्रसाद पाठक र नरेन्द्रप्रसाद खनालद्वारा
लेखक: नरेन्द्रप्रसाद पाठक र नरेन्द्रप्रसाद खनाल
प्रकाशक र वितरक: मकालु प्रकाशन गृह
भाषा: नेपाली
प्रकाशन मिति: २०७० मंसिर
पाना: ५६०सर्वोच्च अदालतबाट अमान्य एवं बदर घोषित भएका कानुन, निर्देशनात्मक आदेश जारी भएका निर्णय, लैंगिक न्याय, संवैधानिक एवं सार्वजनिक सरोकर, संविधानसभा, मौलिक हक, वातावरण, निर्वाचन एवं राजनैतिक दल सम्बन्धी विवादमा भएका निर्णय तथा अन्य महत्वपूर्ण फैसलाहरुको संगालो।
₨ 500.00 -
Swasthe Sewa Sambandhi Yen Tatha Niyamharu
स्वास्थ्य सेवा सम्बन्धी ऐन तथा नियमहरु
Author: Narayan Shrestha
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year:2079, Bhadau
राष्ट्रिसेवकहरु र कानूनप्रति अभिरुचि राख्ने सबैलाई उपयोग हुने छ।
This book is useful for all interested in public service and law.₨ 945.00 -
The Constitution of Nepal 2072 (2015)
The Constitution of Nepal 2072 (2015)
Author: Laxmi Prasad Kheral
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: February, 2018 A.D.
The Constitution of Nepal 2072,(2015) has included the first amendment of February 28, 2016 and historical background and explanatory commentaries.₨ 345.00 -
The law of contract
The law of contract
Author: Satya Narayan Kalika
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year: 2013 A.D.
ISBN Number: 993759912-1This book is highlighted for the fundamental laws of trades and commerce in Nepalese history which would be fruitfull for the students of B.A. LL.B. (Five years) and LL.B. (Three years) of TU, LL.B and LL.M. of Purbanchal University, as well as C.A. and other general citizens who has involved in trade and commerce.
₨ 395.00 -
The Spirit of Jurisprudence
The Spirit of Jurisprudence
Author: Khadindra Raj Kutwal
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2015, January
ISBN Number: 993759944-XThis book is useful for students of Bachelor and Master Level (LLB, BA LLB, LL.M) Law of T.U & P.U, also who are practicing lawyer, judges, law administrators, law teachers and interested persons in the field of law.
₨ 695.00 -
V.D. Mahajan’s Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
V.D. Mahajan’s Jurisprudence & Legal Theory
Author: V.D. Mahajan
Publisher : Eastern Book Company
Language : English
ISBN: 9788196145415
Country of Origin : India
Sixth Edition: Reprinted 2023
Format: Paperback
Pages: 744 pages
Dimensions: 24 X 16 X 2.2 CMJurisprudence, as described by Justice K. Ramaswamy, is the insight of the law and its relation to the spirit of the time. V.D. Mahajan’s Jurisprudence and Legal Theory has been revised, updated, and expanded to include Indian case law, offering a comprehensive perspective on the subject. The book explains legal concepts and theories of law in simple language, covering topics such as legislation, precedent, legal rights, Feminist Movements, and more.
₨ 1,272.00 -
VictimologyAuthor: Shanker Kumar Shrestha
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2080 Jestha
ISBN Number: 978-9937-599-61-0लेखक: डा. शंकर कुमार श्रेष्ठ
प्रकाशक:पैरवी प्रकाशन
संस्करण: २०७८₨ 575.00 -
Victims Jurisprudence
पीडित विधिशास्त्र
Victims JurisprudenceAuthor: Shanker Kumar Shrestha
Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
Edition: 2075लेखक: शंकर कुमार श्रेष्ठ
प्रकाशक:पैरवी प्रकाशन
संस्करण: २०७८₨ 745.00 -
Vignettes of Victimology By Narayan Prasad Sharma
Vignettes of Victimology By Narayan Prasad Sharma
Author: Narayan Prasad Sharma
Publisher & Distributor: Lumbini Prakashan
Edition: 2024
Pages: 206
Language: English
ISBN: 978-9-93-795919-3It is written as per the current syllabus of Victimology (Law 511), 3-year LL.B program of Tribhuvan University. This book is helpful for the subject of Law of Companies in the 3-year and 5-year or 10-semester Bachelor of Laws programs of various national universities as well as it is also useful for the judges, government attorneys, private attorneys and victim rights advocates.
विक्टिमोलोजीका दृष्टान्तहरू – नारायण प्रसाद शर्मा द्वारा
लेखक: नारायण प्रसाद शर्मा
प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: लुम्बिनी प्रकाशन
संस्करण: २०२४
पृष्ठ संख्या: २०६
भाषा: अंग्रेजी
आईएसबीएन: ९७८-९-९३-७९५९१९-३यो पुस्तक त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालयको ३ वर्षे एलएलबी कार्यक्रमको भुक्तभोगी अध्ययन (विधि ५११) को वर्तमान पाठ्यक्रम अनुसार लेखिएको हो। यो पुस्तक ३ वर्षे र ५ वर्षे वा १० सेमेस्टरको विधि स्नातक कार्यक्रमका लागि कम्पनी कानून विषयमा उपयोगी छ। साथै, यो न्यायाधीशहरू, सरकारी वकिलहरू, निजी वकिलहरू, र पीडित अधिकारका अधिवक्ताहरूका लागि पनि उपयोगी छ।
₨ 695.00 -
Yen Sangraha Part-2
A book presenting the Company Act (2063), Nepal Rastra Bank Act (2058), Cooperative Act (2074), Partnership Act (2020), Labor Act (2074), Foreign Employment Act (2064), Trade Union Act (2045), Industrial Enterprises Act (2076), Bank and Financial Institutions Act (2073), Foreign Investment and Technology Transfer Act (2075), Public-Private Partnership and Investment Act (2075), and other essential sections. This book is useful for judges, legal practitioners, law students, and everyone associated with the legal field.
कम्पनि ऐन (२०६३), नेपाल राष्ट्र बैंक ऐन (२०५८), सहकारी ऐन (२०७४), साझेदारी ऐन (२०२०), श्रम ऐन (२०७४), वैदेशिक रोजगारी ऐन (२०६४) , ट्रेड युनियन ऐन (२०४५), औधोगिक व्यवसाय ऐन (२०७६), बैंक तथा वित्तीय सस्थासम्बन्धी ऐन (२०७३), विदेशी लगानी तथा प्रबिधि हस्तान्तरण ऐन (२०७५), सार्वजनिक- निजी साझेदारी तथा लगानी ऐन (२०७५) र अन्य मूल दफाहरु प्रस्तुत र न्यायाधिश, कानुन व्यवसायी, कानुनका छात्रछात्रा र कानुनको क्षेत्रसंग संबन्धित सबैका लागी उपयोगी पुस्तक।₨ 995.00 -
विधिशास्त्र (Jurisprudence)
विधिशास्त्र (Jurisprudence)
Author: Narayan Prasadh Lamsal
Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
Published Year:2076
प्रस्तुत पुस्तक त्रिभुवन विश्वविद्यालय, कानून अध्ययन संस्थानअन्तर्गत स्नातक तहको एल.एल.बी/ बी.एल.एल.बी., एल.एल.एम. र कक्षा ११ को पाठ्यक्रममा रखिएको ‘विधिशास्त्र’ विषयको पाठ्यक्रमलाई ध्यानमा राखी पाठ्यपुस्तकको रुपमा तयार पारिएको छ र यस पुस्तकबाट कानूनका विद्यार्थी तथा परीक्षार्थीहरु, कानूनका चिन्तक तथा जिज्ञासुहरु, कानूनका अध्येता तथा कानून व्यवसायीहरु, न्याय तथा कानून क्षेत्रमा काम गर्ने
This book has been prepared focusing on the curriculum of ‘Jurisprudence’ for the LL.B./B.A. LL.B., LL.M., and Class 11 under Tribhuvan University, Law Faculty. It is designed as a textbook to cater to law students and exam candidates, legal enthusiasts and scholars, law educators, practitioners, and professionals working in the field of justice and law.₨ 745.00