Showing all 7 results

  • An Autobiography of a Yogi- Paramahansa Yogananda

    An Autobiography of a Yogi- Paramahansa Yogananda

    Author: Paramahansa Yogananda
    Publishers and Distributors: Adarsh Books and New International Books Center
    Edition: 2024
    Paperback: 372 Pages
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-81-8363-247-8

    “Autobiography of a Yogi,” authored by Paramahamsa Yogananda, is a renowned book on yoga and meditation, offering an in-depth exploration of Indian spirituality.

    “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Paramahamsa Yogananda is not just his life story but a detailed account of his spiritual journey and encounters with influential figures. From an early age, Yogananda was curious about existence beyond the physical realm, which led him to various Indian saints, gurus, and notable international personalities. The book highlights his search for his guru, culminating in his meeting with Sri Yukteshwar and mastering Kriya Yoga, which he later introduced to the West. It also explores his relationship with his guru, experiences in the hermitage, and attempts to explain miracles’ underlying science. Yogananda’s journey eventually took him to the United States, where he taught yoga and meditation, and he recounts his meetings with renowned figures like Mahatma Gandhi, Rabindranath Tagore, and others in his candid style.

     405.00 450.00
  • Bairag Dekhi Bachawasamma By Dr CK Raut

    Bairag Dekhi Bachawasamma: Dr CK Rautko Atmakatha

    From Disillusionment to Survival: Dr CK Raut’s Autobiography

    Author: Dr CK Raut
    Publisher: BookHill Publication Pvt. Ltd.
    First Edition: Jestha, 2081 B.S. (May/June 2024)
    Pages: 219
    Language: Nepali
    ISBN: 978-9937-753-80-7

    How did a boy who grew up in the poverty and deprivation of the Madhesh region manage to top the Pulchowk Engineering College and go on to earn a Ph.D. from Cambridge University? What was the demand for an autonomous Madhesh state? Why did he renounce worldly life and become an ascetic? What is a scientist doing in Nepali politics? These and other questions are answered in this book.

    वैरागदेखि बचावसम्म: डा. सिके राउतको आत्मकथा

    लेखक: डा. सिके राउतको आत्मकथा
    प्रकाशक: बुकहिल पब्लिकेसन प्रा. लि .
    प्रथम संस्करण: जेठ, २०८१
    पाना: २१९
    भाषा: नेपाली
    ISBN: 978-9937-753-80-7

    मधेशको विपन्नता र गरीबीमा हुर्केका उनले कसरी पुल्चोक इन्जिनियरिङ कलेजटपर हुँदै क्याम्बृज विश्वविद्यालयबाट पिएचडी गरे ?
    स्वायत्त मधेश राज्यको माग के थियो ?
    सांसारिक जीवन त्यागेर जोगी किन भए ?
    एउटा वैज्ञानिकले नेपाली राजनीतिमा के गर्दै छ ?
    लगायतका प्रश्नहरूको जवाफ उनको यो पुस्तकमा छ ।

     480.00 599.00
  • Jodhaha Rastrasewak (Aatmakatha) By Khemraj Regmi

    Jodhaha Rastrasewak (Aatmakatha) By Khemraj Regmi

    Author: Khemraj Regmi
    Publisher: Suresh Regmi
    Distributor: Pashupati Books and Stationery
    First Edition: 2081, Ashar
    ISBN: 978-9937-1-6889-2
    Pages: 300
    Language: Nepali

    This autobiography, Jodhaha Rastrasewak, narrates the life and experiences of Khemraj Regmi as a dedicated public servant. Written in Nepali, the book provides readers with deep insights into his personal journey and contributions to the nation, making it an inspiring read for those interested in stories of resilience and service.

    जोधाहा राष्ट्रसेवक (आत्मकथा)- खेमराज रेग्मी

    लेखक: खेमराज रेग्मी
    प्रकाशक: सुरेश रेग्मी
    वितरक: पशुपति वुक्स एण्ड स्टेसनरी
    पहिलो संस्करण: २०८१, आसर
    आईएसबीएन: ९७८-९९३७-१-६८८९-२
    पाना: ३००
    भाषा: नेपाली

    यो आत्मकथा, “जोधाहा राष्ट्रसेवक (आत्मकथा)” समर्पित राष्ट्रसेवक खेमराज रेग्मीको जीवन र अनुभवहरूलाई वर्णन गर्दछ। नेपाली भाषामा लेखिएको यो पुस्तकले पाठकहरूलाई उनको व्यक्तिगत यात्रा र राष्ट्रप्रतिको योगदानबारे गहन अन्तर्दृष्टि प्रदान गर्दछ, जसले साहस र सेवाका कथाहरूमा रुचि राख्नेहरूका लागि प्रेरणादायी पाठ्यसामग्री बनाउँछ।

     425.00 500.00
  • Kutniti Ra Rajniti By Rameshnath Pandey

    Kutniti Ra Rajniti By Rameshnath Pandey

    Author: Rameshnath Pandey
    Publisher and Distributor: Sangri-La Media Group Pvt. Ltd. and Sampurna Kitab Pvt. Ltd.
    Seventh Edition: Bhadra, 2081 B.S.
    ISBN: 978-9937-890-09-0
    Pages: 726
    Language: Nepali

    This autobiography explores the author’s experiences and insights into diplomacy and politics, reflecting on significant events and challenges faced throughout his life. Written in Nepali, it provides a unique perspective for those interested in the intricacies of political life.

    कूटनीति र राजनीति-रमेशनाथ पाण्डे

    लेखक: रमेशनाथ पाण्डे
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: सांग्रिला मिडिया ग्रुप प्रा. लि. र सम्पूर्ण किताब प्रा. लि.
    सातौँ संस्करण: भद्र, २०८१ बि.सं.
    आइएसबीएन: ९७८-९९३७-८९०-०९-०
    पाना: ७२६
    भाषा: नेपाली

    यो आत्मकथा लेखकका अनुभव र कूटनीति र राजनीति सम्बन्धी विचारलाई अन्वेषण गर्दछ, जसले जीवनभरिका महत्त्वपूर्ण घटनाहरू र चुनौतीहरूको प्रतिबिम्बित गर्दछ। नेपालीमा लेखिएको यो पुस्तक राजनीतिक जीवनका जटिलताहरूमा चासो राख्नेहरूका लागि विशेष दृष्टिकोण प्रदान गर्दछ।

     1,101.00 1,295.00
  • Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela By Nelson Mandela

    Long Walk To Freedom: The Autobiography of Nelson Mandela By Nelson Mandela

    Author: Nelson Mandela
    Publisher: Abacus
    Edition: 1995
    Pages: 768 Pages
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-0-349-10653-3

    Nelson Mandela, a global icon for human rights and racial equality, dedicated his life to fighting racial oppression in South Africa, earning him the Nobel Peace Prize and the presidency. After over 25 years of imprisonment, his 1990 release marked the start of South Africa’s transition to multiracial government. His autobiography, “Long Walk to Freedom,” recounts his epic journey of struggle, hope, and ultimate triumph.

     1,152.00 1,280.00
  • The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank

    The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank

    Author: Anne Frank
    Publishers: Grapevine India Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
    First Edition: 2015
    Paperback: 264 Pages
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-9381-8417-5-4

    In 1942, with the Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, the Franks and another family lived cloistered in the “Secret Annexe” of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death. Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period in her diary. By turns thoughtful, moving, and surprisingly humorous, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.

     315.00 350.00