Showing 21–40 of 86 results

  • Contemporary Law and Practices, Third Paper- Keshab Singh Air

    Contemporary Law and Practices, Third Paper- Keshab Singh Air

    Author: Keshab Singh Air
    Publishers and Distributors: Pairavi Prakashan
    1st Edition: 2024/025
    Pages: 530
    Language: English

    This book is completely based on the syllabus of Public Service Commission with previous years asked questions section officer, Gazetted third.

    समकालीन कानून र व्यवहार, तेस्रो पत्र- केशव सिंह ऐर

    लेखक: केशव सिंह ऐर
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: Pairavi Prakashan
    पहिलो संस्करण: २०८१/२०८२
    पृष्ठ संख्या: ५३०
    भाषा: अंग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तक सार्वजनिक सेवा आयोगको पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित छ, जसमा शाखा अधिकृत, राजपत्रांकित तृतीय श्रेणीका अघिल्लो वर्षहरूमा सोधिएका प्रश्नहरू समावेश गरिएको छ।

     796.00 995.00
  • Contract Law (A comparative Study)

    Contract Law (A comparative Study)
    Author: Prof. Yadav Kumar K.C.
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2022, June
    ISBN Number: 993759955-5

    This book is intended for students of law from universities such as T.U., P.U., and others. It is the second edition, which incorporates significant changes to the Nepalese Contract Act, 2056, and the National Civil Code, 2074.

     556.00 695.00
  • Criminal Law: Principles & Practices

    Criminal Law: Principles & Practices

    Author: Subash Acharya
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    ISBN Number: 978-9937-9575-5-7
    Edition: 2023/2024

    This is the revised edition of Text Book on Criminal Law which has titled as Criminal Law: Principles and Practices

     1,596.00 1,995.00
  • Criminology & Penology with Victimology- Prof. N.V. Paranjape

    Criminology & Penology with Victimology- Prof. N.V. Paranjape

    Author: N. V. Paranjape
    19th Edition: 2023
    Publisher: Central Law Publication
    ISBN: 978-81-962777-2-7

    Dr. N.V. Paranjape’s scholarly work offers a clear and comprehensive explanation of the basic principles of Criminology, Penology, and Victimology. It thoroughly incorporates all relevant statutory amendments, authoritative decisions, and evaluates the latest global trends in the field. This book serves as a definitive reference for scholars and a comprehensive survey for students in criminology and criminal justice.

     1,353.00 1,424.00
  • Dictionary of Law & Justice

    कानुन तथा न्यायसम्बन्धी शब्दकोश
    Dictionary of Law & Justice

    Author: Shanker Kumar Shrestha
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2080 Jestha
    ISBN Number: 9937-5189-3-8

    English- English- Nepali (अंग्रजी- अंग्रजी- नेपाली)

     1,756.00 2,195.00
  • Discourse on Criminology & Penology By Narayan Prasad Sharma

    Discourse on Criminology & Penology By Narayan Prasad Sharma

    Author: Narayan Prasad Sharma
    Publishers & Distributors: Lumbini Prakashan
    Edition: 2024
    Pages: 304
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-9937-959-18-6

    This book is designed in accordance with the current syllabus of Criminology & Penology (Law 412) for 3-year LL.B programs at national universities, this book is also an invaluable resource for prison administrators, government attorneys, legal practitioners, researchers, and students of Criminology & Penology.

     556.00 695.00
  • Environmental Law

    वातावरण कानुन
    Environmental Law

    Author: Dr. Bijaya Singh Sijapati
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2013, December
    ISBN Number: 993759934-2

    The environment law mentioned in Nepali language and LL.B. is an excellent book for third-year students.

    लेखक: डा. बिजय सिंह सिजापति
    प्रकाशक:पैरवी प्रकाशन
    संस्करण: २०७४

    नेपाली भाषामा वातावारण कानुन उल्लेख गरेको र एलएल.बि तेस्रो वर्षका विद्यार्थीहरुका लागी अति उत्तम पुस्तक।

     276.00 345.00
  • Environmental Law- Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape

    Environmental Law- Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape

    Author: Dr. Vinay N. Paranjape
    Publisher & Distributors: Central Law Agency
    Third Edition: 2021
    ISBN: 978-81-943217-7-4
    Pages: 558
    Language: English

    The purpose of writing this book was to provide primary resource material on Environmental Law to the students taking professional courses in law and appraise the legal fraternity of the developments that have taken in this significant branch of law. Specially in this third edition, authors has drawn extensively from the works of eminent authorizes both Indian and foreign that have been relied upon and used as a source materials.

    वातावरण कानून – डा. विनय एन. परांजपे

    लेखक: डा. विनय एन. परांजपे
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: सेन्ट्रल लॉ एजेन्सी
    तेस्रो संस्करण: २०२१
    आईएसबीएन: ९७८-८१-९४३२१७-७-४
    पृष्ठ: ५५८
    भाषा: अङ्ग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तकलाई लेख्नुको मुख्य उद्देश्य पर्यावरण कानूनमा पेशेवर पाठ्यक्रम गर्ने विद्यार्थीहरूलाई मुख्य स्रोत सामग्री प्रदान गर्नु र यस महत्त्वपूर्ण कानूनको विकासमा हुने बिकासहरूलाई कानूनी समुदायलाई समीक्षा गर्नु हो। विशेष रूपमा यस तेस्रो संस्करणमा, लेखकले भारतीय र विदेशी प्रमुख लेखकहरूको कामबाट व्यापक रूपमा प्रकाशन गरिएको छ जुन प्रमुख स्रोत सामग्रीको रूपमा आधारित र प्रयोग गरिएको छ।

     720.00 800.00
  • Environmental Protection: Law and Justice

    Environmental Protection: Law and Justice

    Author: Dr. Bijaya Singh Sijapati
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2012 A.D.
    ISBN Number: 993751892-X
    With special reference to India and Nepal (For the students of LL.B., BALL.B.).

     556.00 695.00
  • Federalism in the World- Chandra Kanta Gyawali & Prakash A. Raj

    Federalism in the World- Chandra Kanta Gyawali & Prakash A. Raj

    Authors: Chandra Kanta Gyawali & Prakash A. Raj
    Publisher and Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: First, 2010
    Paperback: 468 pages
    ISBN: 978-99372-2537-3
    Color: Dark Blue and Yellow
    Language: English

    This book is written in the context of declaration of Nepal as an inclusive democratic and federal state after Fifth Amendment of Interim Constitution of Nepal, 2007 following elections to Constituent Assembly (CA) in Nepal in April 2008.

    विश्वमा संघीयता – चन्द्रकान्त ज्यावाली र प्रकाश ए. राज

    लेखकहरू: चन्द्रकान्त ज्यावाली र प्रकाश ए. राज
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: पैराभी प्रकाशन
    संस्करण: पहिलो, २०१०
    कागजी आवरण: ४६८ पृष्ठहरू
    ISBN: 978-99372-2537-3
    रंग: गाढा निलो र पहेलो
    भाषा: अंग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तकले नेपालको अन्तरिम संविधान २००७ को पाँचौं संशोधनको पछि, २००८ मा संघीय सभाका निर्वाचनपछि नेपाललाई समावेशी लोकतान्त्रिक र संघीय राष्ट्रको घोषणा भएको सन्दर्भमा लेखिएको छ।

     796.00 995.00
  • Fundamental Rights in the World Constitutions Volume I & II- Dr. Bhimarjun Acharya

    Fundamental Rights in the World Constitutions Volume I & II- Dr. Bhimarjun Acharya

    Author: Dr. Bhimarjun Acharya
    Publishers and Distributors: Pairavi Prakashan
    Second Edition: 2024/2025
    ISBN: 978-9937-9539-48
    Pages: 782 & 1582
    Language: English

    This book includes 141 countries’ Fundamental Rights.

     2,552.00 3,190.00
  • Fundamentals of Jurisprudence (The Indian Approach)- Prof. S.N. Dhyani

    Fundamentals of Jurisprudence (The Indian Approach)- Prof. S.N. Dhyani

    Author: Prof. S.N. Dhyani
    Publishers and Distributors: Central Law Agency
    Fourth Edition: Reprint, 2023
    Language: English
    Pages: 454

    This book is fruitful for the students of law, candidates for appearing in Competitive examinations and also to the Bench and Bar.

    जुरिस्प्रुडेन्सका आधारभूत तत्त्वहरू (भारतीय दृष्टिकोण) – प्रोफेसर एस.एन. ध्यानी

    लेखक: प्रोफेसर एस.एन. ध्यानी
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: सेन्ट्रल लॉ एजेन्सी
    चौथो संस्करण: पुनर्मुद्रण, २०२३
    भाषा: अङ्ग्रेजी
    पृष्ठ: ४५४

    यो पुस्तक कानूनका विद्यार्थीहरू, प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक परीक्षामा सामेल हुने परीक्षार्थीहरू, र न्यायालय तथा बारका लागि उपयोगी छ।

     648.00 720.00
  • Glossary and Legal Maxims (Nepali- Latin – Nepali)

    Glossary and Legal Maxims (Nepali- Latin – Nepali)

    Author: Shreeram Upadhyaya Khanal
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Second Edition: 2023, March
    ISBN Number: 978-9937-599-85-6

     396.00 495.00
  • Human Rights by Dr. H.O. Agarwal

    Human Rights by Dr. H.O. Agarwal

    Publisher: ‎ Central Law Publication
    Author: Dr. H.O. Agarwal
    18th Edition: 2023
    Language: ‎ English
    ISBN‏ : ‎ 978-93-90735-97-6

    This book comprehensively covers the essential aspects of human rights law in a clear and straightforward way. It addresses various issues related to the implementation mechanisms of International Covenants and includes a special chapter on International Humanitarian Law. Appendices feature key documents relevant to the study. This book is highly useful for both undergraduate and postgraduate students of human rights law, as well as academicians, research scholars, and policymakers interested in the subject.

     654.00 688.00
  • Independent Judiciary

    स्वतन्त्र न्यायपालिका
    Independent Judiciary

    Author: Shanker Kumar Shrestha
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2075

    लेखक: शंकर कुमार श्रेष्ठ
    प्रकाशक:पैरवी प्रकाशन
    संस्करण: २०७८

  • International Environment Law Part-I

    International Environment Law Part-I

    Author: Prof. Dr. Bijaya Singh Sijapati
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2019, May

     620.00 775.00
  • International Institutions & Human Rights

    International Institutions & Human Rights

    Author: M.R. Upadhyaya
    Publication: Pratyush Publication
    2nd Edition: 2015, January
    ISBN Number: 9937-2-5681-0

    This book proves invaluable not only to students of law but also to professionals engaged in the realm of human rights advocacy.

     460.00 575.00
  • International law and Human Rights by Dr. H.O. Agarwal

    International law and Human Rights by Dr. H.O. Agarwal

    Author: Dr. H.O. Agarwal
    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Central law publication
    23rd Edition: Reprint, 2022
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    ISBN: 978-81-948080-8-4
    Paperback ‏ : ‎ 1011 pages
    Reading age ‏ : ‎ 16 years+
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 kg 190 g
    Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 24 x 4 x 15 cm
    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India

    The book on International Law & Human Rights by Dr. H.O. Agarwal is a masterpiece, divided into two parts: Part I covers traditional and modern topics of International Law, while Part II focuses exclusively on Human Rights to meet students’ needs. It discusses recent conventions, treaties, and International Court of Justice judgments. The book is valuable not only for LL.B. and LL.M. students but also for students of Political Science and Military Science, candidates in competitive exams, and anyone interested in International Law, International Organisations, Human Rights, and International Humanitarian Law.

     1,262.00 1,328.00
  • International Law and Human Rights by K.C. Joshi

    International Law and Human Rights by K.C. Joshi

    Publisher ‏ : ‎EBC Publication
    Author: K.C. Joshi
    Fourth Edition: 2019
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎612 pages
    ISBN: 978-88194-2848-26

    The 4th edition of the book has been thoroughly revised to match the latest syllabus. It includes three new chapters: Human Rights and Humanitarian Law, Social Inclusion of Human Rights, and Global Alliance of National Human Rights Institutions (GANHRI). Updates feature provisions from the Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act, 2016, the Whistle Blowers Protection Act, 2011, and the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children) Act, 2015. Significant Supreme Court decisions, such as the Sabarimala judgment, Right to Privacy (Aadhaar), decriminalization of adultery, and LGBT rights, are also referenced. The International Law section now includes the Chilcot Report on the Iraq War and India’s surgical operation, as well as the Treaty on the Prohibition of Nuclear Weapons, 2017.

     1,102.00 1,160.00
  • International Relations and Foreign Affairs By Lekha Nath Bhattarai & Shyam Kumar Bhattarai

    International Relations and Foreign Affairs By Lekha Nath Bhattarai  & Shyam Kumar Bhattarai

    Publisher : Sopan Monthly
    Author: Lekha Nath Bhattrai & Shyam Kumar Bhattrai
    3rd Edition: Revised June 2024
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎556 pages

    This book is dedicated to all statesmen and diplomats-both past and present, who have contributed to safeguarding Nepal’s sovereignty and independence and promoting its image at the international level.

     2,000.00 2,500.00