Showing 41–60 of 86 results

  • International Watercourses Law and Its Application in South Asia

    International Watercourses Law and Its Application in South Asia

    Author: Dr. Trilochan Upreti
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    ISBN Number: 99946-51-21-8
    Edition: 2006 A.D.

     480.00 600.00
  • Isthaniya Sarkar Sanchalan Yen, 2074

    A list of local laws and regulations.
    स्थानीय तहसंग सम्बन्धीत केहि ऐन र नियमहरु समेत समावेश पुस्तक

     716.00 895.00
  • Isthaniya Taha lai Nyayek Aadhikar

    In this book, the authority of the local level has been made clear and overdue according to the Muluki Civil Code, 2074 and Muluki Criminal Code, 2074.

    Author: Narayan Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: Third edition 2078

     316.00 395.00
  • Jurisprudence & Indian Legal Theory- Prof. S.N. Dhyani

    Jurisprudence & Indian Legal Theory- Prof. S.N. Dhyani

    Author: Prof. S.N. Dhyani
    Publishers and Distributors: Central Law Agency
    Fifth Edition: Reprint, 2023
    ISBN: 978-93-84-852-90-0
    Pages: 354
    Language: English

    This book is fruitful for the students of law, candidates for appearing in Competitive examinations and also to the Bench and Bar.

    जुरिस्प्रुडेन्स र भारतीय कानूनी सिद्धान्त – प्रोफेसर एस.एन. ध्यानी

    लेखक: प्रोफेसर एस.एन. ध्यानी
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: सेन्ट्रल लॉ एजेन्सी
    पाँचौँ संस्करण: पुनर्मुद्रण, २०२३
    आईएसबीएन: ९७८-९३-८४-८५२-९०-०
    पृष्ठ: ३५४
    भाषा: अङ्ग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तक कानूनका विद्यार्थीहरू, प्रतिस्पर्धात्मक परीक्षामा सामेल हुने परीक्षार्थीहरू, र न्यायालय तथा बारका लागि उपयोगी छ।

     619.00 688.00
  • Jurisprudence Legal Theory By Prof. Nomita Aggarwal

    Jurisprudence Legal Theory By Prof. Nomita Aggarwal

    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Central Law Publications (CLP)
    Author: Prof. Nomita Aggarwal
    11th Edition: Reprint 2021
    Paperback ‏ : ‎ 420 pages
    ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9388267236
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 552 g

    This scholarly work by Prof. Nomita Aggarwal offers an in-depth analysis of the essential aspects of Jurisprudence. The book aims to provide students with a comprehensive textbook that acquaints them with the theories, attitudes, and insights of leading jurists. It explains Western legal theories using illustrations from Indian law and cases decided by Indian courts, and simplifies the subject to make it more accessible and comprehensible. This edition also incorporates international norms, discussing their utility, feasibility in India, and future challenges.

     517.00 544.00
  • Justice: Collection of Research Articles on Law, Justice and Legal System

    Justice: Collection of Research Articles on Law, Justice and Legal System

    Author: Shesh Raj Siwakoti
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    ISBN Number: 978-99946-51-68-9
    Edition: 2007 March

     180.00 225.00
  • Kanuni Likhatka Masauda

    A highly useful book for drafting documents related to offices, courts, and households, advocate exams, scribes, and for Tribhuvan University’s LL.B. and B.A.LL.B. programs.
    अड्डा, अदालत र घरसारमा लेखिने लिखतसम्बन्धी मसौदा, अधिवक्ताको परिक्षा, लेखनदास तथा त्रि.वि. का एलएल.बि र बि.ए.एलएल.बि. का लागी अति उपयोग पुस्तक।

     796.00 995.00
  • Karyabidhi Kanunko Ruprekha

    कार्यविधि कानूनको रुपरेखा
    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2078
    कानुन स्नातक तहको तिनवर्षे एल.एल.बी. तथा पाँचवर्षे बी. ए. एल. बी कक्षा ११ को कार्यविधि कानूनको पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित तथा अभ्यास अदालत र कानून व्यवसायी परीक्षा साथै न्यायाधिश एवं कानून व्यवसायीको निमित्त कार्यविधि कानुनको रुपरेखा अति उपयोग पुस्तक।
    A highly useful book based on the procedural law curriculum for the three-year LL.B. and five-year B.A. LL.B. programs, as well as for practice courts and bar exams, and for judges and legal practitioners, providing an outline of procedural law

     1,075.00 1,075.00
  • Kenny’s Outlines of Criminal Law By J.W. Cecil Turner

    Kenny’s Outlines of Criminal Law By J.W. Cecil Turner

    Author: J.W. Cecil Turner
    Publishers: Cambridge University Press
    Eighteenth Edition: 2020 A.D. (Reprinted)
    ISBN: 978-1-108-44199-5
    Pages: 685
    Language: English

    First published in 1962 as the 18th edition of the 1902 original, this book is part of a long-standing series of legal guides. Designed to help students grasp the essentials of criminal law, it offers insights into the practical challenges faced by both prosecution and defense in trials. A valuable resource for those interested in law and its history.

     1,865.00 2,072.00
  • Laingik Samanata Ek Adhyayan

    लैंगिक समानता एक अध्ययन
    Author: Nirmala Sewakoti(Sitaula)
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2078 Magh
    नेपाली महिला कानून अधिकार, अन्तर्राष्ट्रिय मानव अधिकार कानून र महिला, महिला हिंसा र सहभागिता, मुलुकी देवानी संहिता, २०७४, मुलुकी अपराध संहिता, २०७४, महिला आन्दोलन, लैंगिक समानता लगायत ऐन-नियमहरुसहित पुस्तक।
    A book covering Nepali women’s legal rights, international human rights law concerning women, women’s violence and participation, the Civil Code (2074), the Criminal Code (2074), women’s movements, gender equality, and related laws and regulations.

     745.00 745.00
  • Landmark Judgments on Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws- Dr. Chintan Pathak

    Landmark Judgments on Cyber Crimes and Cyber Laws- Dr. Chintan Pathak

    Publisher ‏ : Law and Justice Publishing Co
    Author: Dr. Chintan Pathak
    Edition: 2023
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎360 pages

    This book aims to explore the cybercrimes of the new age and provide insights into the latest trends and techniques used by cybercriminals. Also, this book will discuss the legal and ethical issues surrounding cybercrime, including questions around privacy, admissibility of digital evidence, method of investigation, surveillance, and the balance between security and civil liberties.
    *Sexual Exploitation case *Tampering with Computer Source Code *Electronic Evidence *Contracts via Email *Seizure of Hard disk *Electronic media Transcript as Evidence *Responsibility of Website Owner *Fake Website *Misuse of Domain Name *Intermediary’s Liability *Defamatory Content in Blogging Site *Cyber Defamation *e-auction *ATM Skimming Machin Scam *CCTC Footage as evidence *Sexually explicit content *Outrage Modesty of Women *Online Sex Rackets *Whatsapp Chat as Evidence *Fraudulent SimCard * Disclosing Password *Facebook Post-Right to be funny *right to be forgotten and more.

     874.00 920.00
  • Law of Insurance- Dr. S.R. Myneni

    Law of Insurance- Dr. S.R. Myneni

    Author: Dr. S.R. Myneni
    Publisher & Distributors: Asia Law House
    3rd Edition: Reprint, 2024
    ISBN: 978-93-94739-45-1
    Pages: 580
    Language: English

    This book has included the Insurance Laws (amendment) Act, 2021 (No. 6 of 2021) w.e.f. 1-4-2021, amending Insurance Act, 1938, The Finance Act, 2021, amending LIC Act, 1956, General Insurance Business (Nationalization) Act, 1972 and Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority Act, 1999 incorporated at relevant places.

    बीमा कानून – डा. एस.आर. मैनेनी

    लेखक: डा. एस.आर. मैनेनी
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: एशिया लॉ हाउस
    तेस्रो संस्करण: पुनर्मुद्रण, २०२४
    आईएसबीएन: ९७८-९३-९४७३९-४५-१
    पृष्ठ: ५८०
    भाषा: अङ्ग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तकमा बीमा कानून (संशोधन) ऐन, २०२१ (२०२१ को अधिनियम संख्या ६) स.व. १-४-२०२१, बीमा ऐन, १९३८, वित्त ऐन, २०२१, एलआईसी ऐन, १९५६, सामान्य बीमा व्यापार (राष्ट्रीयकरण) ऐन, १९७२ र बीमा विनियामक तथा विकास प्राधिकरण ऐन, १९९९ भन्दा सम्बन्धित स्थानमा समावेश गरिएको छ।

     1,426.00 1,584.00
  • Law of the Sea

     276.00 345.00

    Law of the Sea

    Law of the Sea

    Author: M.R. Upadhyaya
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2013, December

    In this book, it has included about the water law, This book extensively covers various aspects of water law, including topics such as the rights of landlocked countries, riparian and co-riparian states, and the introduction of the law of the sea. It delves into key concepts like the Territorial Sea and Contiguous Zone, Continental Shelf, regulations concerning the High Sea, fishing practices, and the conservation of living resources. Additionally, it explores subjects like the delineation of normal baselines, Straight Baselines, Archipelagic baselines, and more. as; right of landlock.

     276.00 345.00
  • Law of Writs Volume-1 by V.G Ramchandra and V. Sudhish Pai

    Law of Writs Volume-1 by V.G Ramchandra and V. Sudhish Pai

    Publisher ‏ : ‎EBC Publication
    Author: V.G Ramchandra and V. Sudhish Pai
    17th Edition: 2022
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎ 1198 pages
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 4 kg
    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India

    Volume I: Historical Development of various writs and General Principles of Writs Jurisdiction
    Volume II: Specific writs, Miscellaneous, Practice and Procedure

     7,592.00 7,992.00
  • LL.B. Prabesh Pariksha Srot Samagri – Govinda Khanal

    LL.B. Prabesh Pariksha Srot Samagri – Govinda Khanal

    LL.B. Entrance Exam Resource Material – Govinda Khanal

    Author: Govinda Khanal
    Publisher and Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
    First Edition: 2081
    Pages: 264
    Language: Nepali

    This book is prepared based on the new LL.B. entrance examination syllabus of 2081. It will be useful for students preparing for the LL.B. entrance examination and other curious readers.

    एलएल. बी. प्रवेश परीक्षा स्रोत सामग्री- गोविन्द खनाल

    लेखक: गोविन्द खनाल
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरवी प्रकाशन
    प्रथम संस्करण: २०८१
    पाना: २६४
    भाषा: नेपाली

    एलएल. बी. प्रवेश परीक्षाको नयाँ पाठ्यक्रम २०८१ अनुसार तयार पारीएको र एलएल. बी. प्रवेश परीक्षा तयारी गर्ने विद्यार्थी एव अन्य जीज्ञासु पाठकहरुलाई उपयोगी हुने छ।

     476.00 595.00
  • LL.M. Success Manual- Keshab Singh Air

    LL.M. Success Manual- Keshab Singh Air

    Author: Keshab Singh Air
    Publisher and Distributor: Pairavi Prakashan
    First Edition: 2024/025
    Pages: 589
    Language: English

    This is designed specifically for students aspiring to pursue an LL.M. degree at the Nepal Law Campus, Kathmandu and Other University as well. It includes 72 set objective questions and answers, 2 set practice questions , essay type questions and answers, legal maxims and old questions.

    एलएल.एम. सफलता पुस्तिका – केशव सिंह एयर

    लेखक: केशव सिंह एयर
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: पैरेवी प्रकाशन
    पहिलो संस्करण: २०८१/२०८२
    पृष्ठ संख्या: ५८९
    भाषा: अंग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तक नेपाल कानून क्याम्पस, काठमाडौं, तथा अन्य विश्वविद्यालयहरूमा एलएल.एम. डिग्री हासिल गर्न इच्छुक विद्यार्थीहरूका लागि विशेष रूपमा डिजाइन गरिएको छ। यसमा ७२ सेट वस्तुगत प्रश्न र उत्तर, २ सेट अभ्यास प्रश्न, निबन्धात्मक प्रश्न र उत्तर, कानूनी सूक्तिहरू (Legal Maxims), र पुराना प्रश्नहरू समावेश छन्।

     796.00 995.00
  • Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence- Michael Freeman FBA

    Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence- Michael Freeman FBA

    Publisher ‏ : ‎ Sweet & Maxwell
    Author: Michael Freeman FBA
    Ninth Edition: 1 January 2021
    Language ‏ : ‎ English
    Paperback ‏ : ‎ 1617 pages
    ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-9390529568
    Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 1 kg 500 g
    Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 24 x 16 x 7 cm
    Country of Origin ‏ : ‎ India

    Lloyd’s Introduction to Jurisprudence is the leading textbook in the English-speaking world, covering the entire field of jurisprudence. It combines authoritative text with extracts from over a hundred jurists, providing critical insights through detailed introductory sections. The book examines contributions to legal theory from the Ancient Greeks to postmodernists, including Aristotle, Raz, Habermas, and more, with a new chapter analyzing Ronald Dworkin’s work. Emphasizing Hart and his “Postscript,” it also references contemporary debates like positivism versus natural law and offers a fuller discussion of justice, including global justice.

     2,432.00 2,560.00
  • Media Jurisprudence: Scrutiny of Court Principles and Legislative Policies (Theroy, Acts, Rules and Policies)

    Media Jurisprudence: Scrutiny of Court Principles and Legislative Policies (Theroy, Acts, Rules and Policies)

    Author: Ram Prasad Bhattarai, Ananta Raj Luitel
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Edition: 2011 A.D.
    ISBN Number: 978-9937-518-85-7

    This book is helpful for the students of media studies, law students, journalists, lawyers, judges basically and the order persons concerned and organizations working field of media development as well.

     380.00 475.00
  • MelmilapSambandhi Kanun Ek Parichaya

    मेलमिलापसम्बन्धी कानून एक परिचय
    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year:2071 Baishak
    मेलमिलापसम्बन्धी ऐन, २०६८ र मेलमिलासम्बन्धी नियमावली, २०७० उल्लेख पुस्तक।
    A book that includes the Mediation Act, 2011 and the Mediation Regulations, 2013.

     295.00 295.00
  • Muluki Aparadha Samhita Yen, 2074 and Muluki Faujdari Karyabidhi Samhita Yen, 2074

    मुलुकी अपराध संहिता ऐन, २०७४ र मुलुकी फौजदारी कार्यविधि संहिता ऐन, २०७४ तथा फौजदारी कसूर (सजाय निर्धारण तथा कार्यान्वयन) ऐन, २०७४ (मूल दफा सहित एक टिपण्णी)
    Author: Gayendra Bahadur Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2080
    २०७५ साल भद्र १ गते देखि लागु भएको मुलुकी संहिताहरुमा मुलुकी संहितासम्बन्धी केहि नेपाल एनलाई संशोधन गर्ने ऐन, २०७५ द्वारा संशोधन र नेपाल सरकारद्वारा नेपाल राजपत्रमा प्रकाशित केही सूचनाहरद्वारा सो संहिताको अनुसुचिहरुमा हेरफेर भएको र यी संसोधनहरु र हेरफेरहरुलाई यस पुस्तकमा अधावधिक भएको छ। यस पुस्तकले सदाझै न्यायाधीश, कानूनी व्यसायी, कानूनका विद्यार्थी तथा सर्वसाधारणलाई यो पुस्तक अति उपयोग हुने छ। The amendments to the National Codes, which came into effect on 1st July 2015, have been made by amending certain provisions of the Nepal Act, 2015 and by making changes in the Schedules of the Code through certain notifications published in the Nepal Gazette by the Government of Nepal. These amendments and changes have been made in this book, including the National Criminal Code Act, 2074, the National Criminal Procedure Code, 2074, and the Criminal Offences (Determination and Enforcement of Penalties) Act, 2074.

     995.00 995.00