Showing 421–440 of 467 results

  • Shri Durga Saptashati (Chandi Path) By Tilak Prasad Luitel

    Shri Durga Saptashati (Chandi Path) By Tilak Prasad Luitel

    Author: Tilak Prasad Luitel
    Publisher and Distributor: Bidya Bikas Publication Pvt. Ltd.
    First Edition: 2080
    Pages: 474
    Language: Nepali and Sanskrit

    Presented in Nepali language along with the ritual procedures (Puja Vidhi).

    श्रीदुर्गासप्तशती (चण्डीपाठ)

    लेखक: तिलकप्रसाद लुइटेल
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: विद्या विकास पब्लिकेसन प्रा. लि.
    प्रथम संस्करण: २०८०
    पाना: ४७४
    भाषा: नेपाली र संस्कृत

    पूजाविधि सहित, नेपाली भाषामा प्रस्तुत गरिएको छ।

     360.00 450.00
  • Shrimad Valmiki Ramayana (Nepali Language Translation) – Krishna Prasad Sharma Ghimire

    Shrimad Valmiki Ramayana (Nepali Language Translation) – Krishna Prasad Sharma Ghimire

    Translator: Krishna Prasad Sharma Ghimire
    Publisher: Vidyarthi Pustak Bhandar
    Edition: Second Revised, 2080
    Language: Nepali
    Pages: 1688
    ISBN: 978-9937-789-15-8

    श्रीमद्वाल्मीकिरामयण (नेपाली भाषा पधानुवाद)- कृष्णप्रसाद शर्मा घिमिरे

    अनुवादक: कृष्णप्रसाद शर्मा घिमिरे
    प्रकाशक: विद्यार्थी पुस्तक भण्डार
    संस्करण: दोस्रो परिमार्जित, २०८०
    भाषा: नेपाली
    पाना: १६८८
    ISBN: 978-9937-789-15-8

     2,000.00 2,500.00
  • Shukasagar Shrimadbhagavat Dwadashskandha Sametko Shrikrishnacharitra – Dr. Narendra Kumar Sharma Khatiwada

    Shukasagar Shrimadbhagavat Dwadashskandha Sametko Shrikrishnacharitra – Dr. Narendra Kumar Sharma Khatiwada

    Author: Dr. Narendra Kumar Sharma Khatiwada
    Publisher and Distributor: Subba Homanath Kedarnath
    Edition: Eighth
    Pages: 638
    Language: Nepali

    The only original Shukasagar Shrimad Bhagavat Dwadasa Skandha including Shrikrishnacharitra, which has been appreciated by old royals and brothers for hundreds of years (since 1944 V.S. or 1886 A.D.). This book presents the story of all twelve skandhas of Shukasagar in Nepali language, arranged in shloka form.

    शुकसागर श्रीमद्भागवत द्वादशस्कन्ध समेतको श्रीकृष्णचरित्र- डा. नरेन्द्रकुमार शर्मा खतिवडा

    लेखक: डा. नरेन्द्रकुमार शर्मा खतिवडा
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: सुब्बा होमनाथ केदारनाथ
    संस्करण: अठौं
    पाना: ६३८
    भाषा: नेपाली

    सयौं वर्ष (सम्वत् १९४४ अर्थात सन् १८८६) देखि चलिआएको पुरानु राजा बजिर भाई भारदार बुढा पुराना दाजूभाई द्वारा सह्रनी गरिएको एकमात्र असली शुकसागर श्रीमद्भागवत द्वादशस्कन्ध समेतको श्रीकृष्णचरित्र। यसमा शुकसागर बाह्रै स्कन्धहरुको कथा नेपाली भाषा श्लोकबध्द गरी प्रस्तुत पुस्तक।


     760.00 800.00
  • Shunya Ko Mulyo (Saas, Saahas ra Sneha Ko Katha) – Dr. Navaraj KC

    Shunya Ko Mulyo (Saas, Saahas ra Sneha Ko Katha) – Dr. Navaraj KC

    Value of Zero (A Tale of Breath, Courage, and Affection) – Dr. Navaraj KC

    Author: Dr. Navaraj KC
    Publisher and Distributor: Sangrila Media Group Pvt. Ltd. and Sampurna Kitab
    Fourth Edition: Baishakh, 2081 B.S. (April/May 2024)
    Pages: 242
    Language: Nepali
    ISBN: 978-9937-775-33-5

    How many ways does a book make its impact? How many times does it touch you with its sting, tighten around your throat, or make your fist clench in frustration? While these measurements might not be recorded anywhere, after reading Value of Zero, you’ll find yourself contemplating them. This book, deeply rooted in the stories of the Karnali region, has a universal resonance that reaches across borders. The characters linger in your heart long after you’ve closed the book, having found a lasting place there. The author provides not just stories but rich, detailed backgrounds that add profound depth to each narrative. Such books are rare, as few authors possess the emotional depth and connection that shines through in this work. For those who read only a select few books in their lifetime, make sure this one is among them. — Buddhisagar

    शुन्यको मूल्य (सास, साहस र स्नेहको कथा) – डा. नवराज केसी

    लेखक: डा. नवराज केसी
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: सांग्रिला मिडिया ग्रुप प्रा.लि. र सम्पूर्ण किताब
    चौथौ संस्करण: २०८१, वैशाख
    पाना: २४२
    भाषा: नेपाली
    ISBN: 978-9937-775-33-5

    एउटा पुस्तकमा कति थोक हुन्छ ? एउटा पुस्तकले कति ठाउँमा सिरिङ्ङ पार्छ ? एउटा पुस्तकले कति ठाउँमा गला अवरूद्ध पार्छ ? एउटा पुस्तकले कति ठाउँमा आक्रोशले मुठी कस्ने बनाउँछ ?

    सायद यी कुराको हिसाब कतै लेखिएको हुँदैन । तर शून्यको मूल्य पढेपछि यी सबै हिसाब गर्न मन लाग्छ । पुस्तक कर्णाली क्षेत्र वरिपरिका मानिस र तिनका कथासित जोडिएको छ । तर यसभित्रका कथाले संसारका कुनै पनि कुनाका मानिसका आत्मा नै सिरिङ्ङ पार्ने सामर्थ्य राख्छन् । पुस्तक सकिसकेपछि म अबेरसम्म टोलाइरहें । पात्रहरू यसरी हृदयमा बसेछन् कि, जाँदै जाँदैनन् । मलाई लाग्छ, लामो समयसम्म ती मसितै रहनेछन् । यसमा कथा मात्रै छैनन्, एउटा कथापछाडि कति धेरै पृष्ठभूमि हुन्छन्, तिनलाई लेखकले असाध्यै मीठो जनबोलीमा प्रस्ट्याएका छन् । यस्ता पुस्तक बिरलै लेखिन्छन्, किनभने सबै लेखक ती पात्रसम्म पुग्न नसक्लान् । सबै लेखकसित त्यति गहिराइमा पुग्ने सामर्थ्य पनि नहोला । र सबै लेखकसित त्यो हृदय पनि नहोला, जो यस पुस्तकका लेखकसित छ।

    म जीवनमा थोरै मात्र पुस्तक पढ्छु भन्नेहरूले थोरै पुस्तकको पङ्क्तिमा यस पुस्तकलाई नछुटाउनुहोला ! – बुद्धिसागर


     475.00 555.00
  • Silver Bullet, Nepal Electricity Authority Level 7 First Paper Section (B) & Second Paper By Er. Sandeep Neupane and Er. Saroj Koirala

    Silver Bullet, Nepal Electricity Authority Level 7 First Paper Section (B) & Second Paper By Er. Sandeep Neupane and Er. Saroj Koirala

    Authors: Er. Sandeep Neupane and Er. Saroj Koirala
    Publishers and Distributors: Aksharank Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.
    Edition: 2081/082
    Pages: 824
    Language: English

    This book is based on the syllabus for the open competitive examination for the position of Engineer, Level-7, in the Electrical Group/Sub-group of the Technical Service, Nepal Electricity Authority (NEA). It covers the new syllabus for Level 6 and 7 (internal and external) of NEA, as well as the technical service syllabus for Gazetted Third Class positions in organizations like CAAN, NOC, and NTC. The book includes sample questions, previous exam papers, and the annual report of 2080/081.

    सिल्वर बुलेट,नेपाल विधुत प्राधिकरण तह ७ पहिलो पत्र खण्ड (ब) र दोस्रो पत्र- ई. सन्दीप न्यौपाने र ई. सरोज कोइरला

    लेखक: ई. सन्दीप न्यौपाने र ई. सरोज कोइरला
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: अक्षराङ्क प्रकाशन प्रा. लि.
    संस्करण: २०८१/०८२
    पाना: ८२४
    भाषा: अङ्ग्रेजी

    यो पुस्तक नेपाल विधुत प्राधिकरण प्राविधिक सेवा (NEA) को इलेक्त्रिकल समूह/उपसमूह, तह-७ को इन्जिनियरको खुला प्रतियोगितात्मक परीक्षा को पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित छ। यसले NEA को तह ६ र ७ (आन्तरिक र बाह्य) का नयाँ पाठ्यक्रमलाई साथै CAAN, NOC, र NTC जस्ता संस्थाहरूको राजपत्रांकित तृतीय श्रेणीका प्राविधिक सेवा पाठ्यक्रमलाई समेट्छ। यस पुस्तकमा नमूना प्रश्नहरू, पुराना प्रश्नपत्रहरू, र वार्षिक प्रतिवेदन २०८०/०८१ समावेश गरिएको छ।

     1,196.00 1,495.00
  • Sixteenth Plan (Fiscal Year 2081/82-2084/86) – Published by Guru Publication

    Sixteenth Plan (Fiscal Year 2081/82-2084/86) – Published by Guru Publication

    Publisher and Distributor: Guru Publication Pvt. Ltd.
    Pages: 276
    Language: Nepali

    A summary and review of the periodic plans for the fiscal years 2081/82 – 2084/86.

    सोह्रौं योजना (आर्थिक वर्ष २०८१/८२-२०८४/८६)- गुरु पब्लिकेशनद्वारा प्रकाशित

    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: गुरु पब्लिकेशन प्रा. लि.
    पाना: २७६
    भाषा: नेपाली

    आर्थिक वर्ष २०८१/८२ – २०८४/८६ आवधिक योजनाहरुको सारांश तथा समीक्षासहित।

     475.00 555.00
  • Smriti Ra Anubhuti by Prof. Dr. Surendra

    स्मृति र अनुभूति
    Author: प्रा.डा. सुरेन्द्र के.सी.
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year:2080 Chaitra
    ISBN Number: 978-9937-9673-3-4
    Color: Light Green

     875.00 875.00
  • Socia-Economic History of Nepal

    Socia-Economic History of Nepal
    Author: Laxmi Prasad Kharel
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: 2019 A.D.
    ISBN Number: 9937-599-73-3

    All details of the Socio-Economic history of Nepal from the ancient to the modern period.

     548.00 685.00
  • Sopan Kharidar Wisheshanka

    Sopan Kharidar Wisheshanka

    Author: Mitra Prasad Ghimire
    Publication: Vidhi Bikash Publication Pvt. Ltd.
    Color: Light Blue and Red

    Based on the syllabus for the open competitive examination for gazetted second class, procurement, or equivalent positions.

    ‘क’ वर्गको पहिलो प्रशासनिक पत्रिका सोपान खरिदार विशेषाङ
    दृितीय पत्र: कार्यालय व्यवस्थापन
    तृतीय पत्र: कार्य ज्ञान सम्बन्धि

    लेखक: श्रावन कुमार लुइटेल, शिव कोइराला र सुर्य बहादुर ठटाल
    प्रकाशक:मकालु प्रकाशन गृह

    राजपत्र अनक्ङित दृितीय श्रेणी , खरिदार वा सो सरह पदको खुल्ला प्रतियोगितात्मक परिक्षाको पाठ्यक्रममा आधारित।

     316.00 395.00
  • Sophies World By Jostein Gaarder

    Sophies World By Jostein Gaarder

    Author: Jostein Gaarder
    Publisher: Weidenfeld & Nicolson
    20th Edition: 2015
    Pages: 444 Pages
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-1-4746-0228-0

    At 14, Sophie meets an enigmatic mentor who introduces her to philosophy, sparking deeper mysteries in her life. She begins receiving postcards meant for another girl, raising questions about both the girl’s identity and her own. Utilizing her newfound philosophical insights, Sophie embarks on a journey of discovery, uncovering truths far stranger than she imagined. “Sophie’s World,” a captivating fusion of mystery, philosophy, and fantasy, has become an international sensation, translated into 60 languages and selling over 40 million copies.

     864.00 960.00
  • Static GK (All in One) By Marshal Kumar Oli

    Static GK (All in One)- Marshal Kumar Oli

    Authors: Marshal Kumar Oli
    Edition: 2081/082
    Publisher & Distributor: Saral Publication
    Pages: 402
    Language: English

    This book is useful for School and College Students, Civil Service, Teacher Service, Technical Sectors, Army/Police Service, Banking Sectors and it is the collection of 5000+ MCQs with answers also covers wide range of subject matters such as history, geography, religious, culture, literature, sports, entertainment, infrastructure of development, science and technology, environment international organizations and constitutional development.

     500.00 625.00
  • Supreme Court Judgement on Constitutional Issue 2070 By: Narendra Prasad Pathak and Narendra Prasad Khanal

    Sambaidhanik Biwadma Sarbochha Adalatka Faisala 2070 Bhag – 4
    Narendra Prasad Pathak ra Narendra Prasad Khanal

    Supreme Court Judgement on Constitutional Issue 2070
    By: Narendra Prasad Pathak and Narendra Prasad Khanal

    Author: Narendra Prasad Pathak and Narendra Prasad Khanal
    Publisher and Distributor: Makalu Publication House
    Language: Nepali
    Publication Date: Mansir 2070
    Pages: 560

    A collection of laws declared invalid and annulled by the Supreme Court, decisions with directive orders issued, decisions on gender justice, constitutional and public concern, Constituent Assembly, fundamental rights, environment, election and political party-related disputes, and other important verdicts.

    संवैधानिक विवादमा सर्वोच्च अदालतका फैसला २०७० भाग -४, नरेन्द्रप्रसाद पाठक र नरेन्द्रप्रसाद खनालद्वारा

    लेखक: नरेन्द्रप्रसाद पाठक र नरेन्द्रप्रसाद खनाल
    प्रकाशक र वितरक: मकालु प्रकाशन गृह
    भाषा: नेपाली
    प्रकाशन मिति: २०७० मंसिर
    पाना: ५६०

    सर्वोच्च अदालतबाट अमान्य एवं बदर घोषित भएका कानुन, निर्देशनात्मक आदेश जारी भएका निर्णय, लैंगिक न्याय, संवैधानिक एवं सार्वजनिक सरोकर, संविधानसभा, मौलिक हक, वातावरण, निर्वाचन एवं राजनैतिक दल सम्बन्धी विवादमा भएका निर्णय तथा अन्य महत्वपूर्ण फैसलाहरुको संगालो।

     400.00 500.00
  • Suryasta – Bimba (Aatmakathan) – Suryaprasad Shrestha

    Suryasta – Bimba (Aatmakathan) – Suryaprasad Shrestha

    Author: Suryaprasad Shrestha
    Editor: Vivash Vasti
    Edition: First, 2080
    Pages: 216
    Language: Nepali
    ISBN: 9789937-1-6155-8

    सूर्यास्त- विम्ब (आत्मकथन)- सूर्यप्रसाद श्रेष्ठ

    लेखक: सूर्यप्रसाद श्रेष्ठ
    सम्पादन: विवश वस्ती
    संस्करण: प्रथम, २०८०
    पाना: २१६
    भाषा: नेपाली
    ISBN: 9789937-1-6155-8

     320.00 400.00
  • Swasthe Sewa Sambandhi Yen Tatha Niyamharu

    स्वास्थ्य सेवा सम्बन्धी ऐन तथा नियमहरु
    Author: Narayan Shrestha
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year:2079, Bhadau
    राष्ट्रिसेवकहरु र कानूनप्रति अभिरुचि राख्ने सबैलाई उपयोग हुने छ।
    This book is useful for all interested in public service and law.

     945.00 945.00
  • Takma (A Teen Novel) – Uddhav Prasad Pyakurel

    Takma (A Teen Novel) – Uddhav Prasad Pyakurel

    Author: Uddhav Prasad Pyakurel
    Publisher and Distributor: Shangri-La Media Group Pvt. Ltd. and Sampurna Kitab Pvt. Ltd.
    First Edition: 2081 Bhadra (Nepali Calendar)
    ISBN: 978-9937-775-73-1
    Pages: 174
    Language: Nepali

    There are people who believe that a medal (takma) is neither something you can eat, wear, nor a solution to life’s problems. If one thinks this way, then the medal loses all meaning.

    In reality, a medal is a valuable item, a symbol of pride, and the most profound form of honor. Many people believe this. If everyone learns to respect the medal, the medal in turn will respect everyone.

    This is the story of teenagers caught up in the race to win a medal. But while the teenagers are competing, do the adults just sit quietly on the sidelines?

    तक्मा (किशोर उपन्यास)- उद्धवप्रसाद प्याकुरेल

    लेखक: उद्धवप्रसाद प्याकुरेल
    प्रकाशक तथा वितरक: सांग्रिला मिडिया ग्रुप प्रा. लि. र सम्पूर्ण किताब प्रा. लि.
    पहिलो संस्करण: २०८१, भदौ
    आईएसबियेन: ९७८-९९३७-७७५-७३-१
    पाना: १७४
    भाषा: नेपाली

    तक्मा न खान मिल्छ, न लगाउन मिल्छ, न आवश्यक पर्दा गर्जो नै टर्छ भनेर सोच्ने मानिस पनि छन् । यस्तै सोच्ने हो भने त तक्माको कुनै अर्थ नै रहँदैन ।

    वास्तवमा तक्मा त मूल्यवान वस्तु पो हो । गर्व हो अनि सबैभन्दा गहकिलो इज्जत हो भनेर सोच्ने व्यक्ति धेरै हुन्छन् । सबैले तक्माको इज्जत राख्न जान्यो भने तक्माले पनि सबैको इज्जत राख्छ ।

    यो कथा हो, तक्मा जित्ने होडबाजीमा लागेका किशोर किशोरीको । होडबाजी किशोरकिशोरीको भए पनि वयस्कहरू चाहिँ चुप लागेर बसे होलान् त ।

     336.00 395.00
  • Talent General Knowledge – Prem Bahadur Adhikari and Sabitra Karki Adhikari

    Talent General Knowledge – Prem Bahadur Adhikari and Sabitra Karki Adhikari

    Authors: Prem Bahadur Adhikari and Sabitra Karki Adhikari
    Publisher: S.P. Prakashan Pvt. Ltd.
    Edition: 2081/82 (2024/25)
    Pages: 200
    Language: Nepali

    This is a comprehensive book designed to be an invaluable resource for students, civil service exam candidates, education service exam candidates, as well as for IQ tests and quiz competitions at school and college levels. It is also highly useful for competitive exams conducted by Nepal Police, Armed Police Force, and various other organizations.

    ट्यालेन्ट सामान्य ज्ञान- प्रेम बहादुर अधिकारी र सावित्रा कार्की अधिकारी

    प्रकाशक: एस. पी. प्रकाशन प्रा. लि.
    संस्करण: २०८१/८२
    पाना: २००
    भाषा: नेपाली

    विद्यार्थी, लोकसेवाका परीक्षार्थी, शिक्षा सेवाका परीक्षार्थी, विद्यालय, कलेज स्तरिय आई. क्यू. टेस्ट र हाजिरी जवाफ प्रतियोगिता, नेपाल प्रहरी, सशस्त्र प्रहरी, नेपाली सेवा वतथा विभिन्न संघ संस्थाहरुबाट लिइने प्रतियोगीतात्त्मक परीक्षाको लागि अत्यन्त उपयोगी सामग्री समेटिएको एक मात्र पुस्तक।

     556.00 695.00
  • Tax Laws of Nepal

    नेपालको कर कानून
    Tax Laws of Nepal

    Author: Dr. Chandramani Adhikari
    Publication: Pairavi Prakashan
    Fourth Edition: 2076
    ISBN Number: 9937-599-74-1

    नेपालको कर कानून सिध्दान्त, नीति र व्यवहार उल्लेख गरिएको छ।
    The principles, policies, and practices of Nepal’s tax law are outlined.

  • The Constitution of Nepal 2072 (2015)

    The Constitution of Nepal 2072 (2015)
    Author: Laxmi Prasad Kheral
    Publisher: Pairavi Prakashan
    Published Year: February, 2018 A.D.
    The Constitution of Nepal 2072,(2015) has included the first amendment of February 28, 2016 and historical background and explanatory commentaries.

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  • The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank

    The Diary of a Young Girl- Anne Frank

    Author: Anne Frank
    Publishers: Grapevine India Publisher Pvt. Ltd.
    First Edition: 2015
    Paperback: 264 Pages
    Language: English
    ISBN: 978-9381-8417-5-4

    In 1942, with the Nazis occupying Holland, a thirteen-year-old Jewish girl and her family fled their home in Amsterdam and went into hiding. For the next two years, until their whereabouts were betrayed to the Gestapo, the Franks and another family lived cloistered in the “Secret Annexe” of an old office building. Cut off from the outside world, they faced hunger, boredom, the constant cruelties of living in confined quarters, and the ever-present threat of discovery and death. Anne Frank recorded vivid impressions of her experiences during this period in her diary. By turns thoughtful, moving, and surprisingly humorous, her account offers a fascinating commentary on human courage and frailty and a compelling self-portrait of a sensitive and spirited young woman whose promise was tragically cut short.

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